


Revised: 5/01/02; 1/01/07;

11/01/08; 1/01/10

Policy: It shall be the policy to maintain a salary plan that is fair and equitable to all employees, provide the University with qualified incumbents and be within the University's fiscal means or constraints.

1. New Employee Salaries: New employees shall be hired at the minimum of the position salary range; the hiring department may recognize the exceptional experience of some new hires while maintaining an equitable relationship to the incumbent employees in the same position classification.


1.1.1 New hires with exceptional experience (experience that greatly exceeds the minimum requirements) and promoted employees, 谁现在的薪水比新职位的起薪高, will be eligible to receive additional compensation up to a maximum of 5% above the entry level for that position.

1.1.2 An amount equal to 1% for every year of applicable experience beyond minimum, 在招聘经理规定的最低工资标准之上,最高不超过5%.

1.1.招聘部门会准备一份理由和要求备忘录. The memo shall outline specific experience of the applicant/new hire and compare this to the job standard. The memo shall have places for approval or disapproval by the Dean/Director and the appropriate Vice President. The memo shall be accompanied by the job description and a copy of the applicant’s resume and application.

1.1.4 Approval of the request for entry above the minimum must be given by the appropriate Vice President

1.1.5最终审批前, 人力资源厅将审查雇用率,以确定其与支付给同样资格或更有经验的同一职类雇员的费率的关系.

2. 工资限额:分类雇员的工资或工资率不得超过适用于该雇员职位的工资等级的最高限额,除非州立法机关规定的加薪导致工资或工资率超过最高限额.

3. 促销:以补偿为目的, 当一个分类的员工被选中填补一个新级别的工作,该级别的最低工资范围高于该员工目前在工作级别的最低工资范围时,就会发生晋升.

3.被考虑提升, 该员工必须符合最低资格要求或清楚地证明有能力履行该职位的职责.

3.当一个工作人员被提升到一个有更高薪水范围的职位时, 他/她将有资格获得薪金调整至政策三所界定的新职位薪金范围的最低水平.5、第一节.1或调至不超过现时薪金5%的薪金水平.

3.3 Any exception to the policy should be in the form of a memo delineating the employee’s exceptional experience. The request must have the approval of the Dean/Director and the area Vice President.

4. 降职:当一个被分类的员工被降职到一个职责较轻或工作不那么复杂的职位,需要改变头衔,并有较低的工资范围, 员工的工资必须在人力资源助理副总裁与有关部门主管商定的新工资范围内调整到适当的水平, 然而, 雇员的工资不会因此而增加.

5. 调职:当一个被分类的员工被横向调职到另一个具有相同或不同头衔但工资范围相同的职位, 该员工将继续保持目前的工资. An employee will not receive a salary increase as a result of a lateral transfer. 对于申请低薪职位并被录用的员工,薪酬将根据人力资源副总裁和部门主管商定的新薪酬范围调整为合适的水平.

6. Hazardous Duty Pay: All commissioned police officers of 十大电子游艺网站排行 are eligible for hazardous duty pay for $10.每月100美元,按服务年限计算. 见政策3.详情请参阅11.

7. Longevity Pay: Each regular full-time, non-academic employee is entitled to longevity pay of $20.作为国家雇员,每服务两(2)年,每月00美元, 服务年限不超过四十二(42)年. 员工在服务两(2)年后将获得长寿工资,并且每增加两(2)年的服务将获得长寿工资. Length of service for longevity pay is determined in the same manner as length of service for vacation. 然而, legislative service is included in determining an employee’s lifetime service credit for longevity pay. 员工在月初的状态决定了长寿工资. 见政策3.详情请参阅10.

8. Salary Reduction for Disciplinary Reasons: If a classified employee's performance so warrants, 总裁可批准因纪律原因将雇员的工资减少到不低于最低工资率的指定工资组的水平. 如果员工的工作表现有所改善,员工的工资可以恢复到之前的工资范围内的任何水平.

9. 退休人员恢复国家服务的工资限制:第77届立法机关废除了退休人员恢复国家服务的工资限制.

10. 随叫随到工资:随到随到的员工必须根据《公平劳动标准法》对随到带薪或随到无薪的定义获得补偿. 大学的惯例是给被叫来的员工至少两小时的工资. On-call with pay or called-in hours will be added to the worker’s total workweek. 所有超过40小时的工作时间将按照国际劳工联合会的加班费计算.

11. 薪酬表:十大电子游艺网站排行分类职位的薪酬表将由人力资源办公室制定和维护. 十大电子游艺网站排行的目标是根据不断变化的市场,通过审查分类和非分类工资,在劳动力市场上保持竞争地位.

12. Retention Bonuses: To enhance the retention of staff employees necessary for operations, 奖金高达5美元,000 may be paid to an individual employed in a staff position deemed essential to the operation of the University.

12.1 The President of the University must approve the payment and affirm the necessity.

12.2 The employee must remain with the University in a staff position for 12 months after the date of execution of a bonus contract.

12.3 The contract may be executed only after 12 months of employment in a staff position.

12.4 The lump-sum bonus amount may be included in the staff employee’s paycheck the month after the end of the 12-month bonus period.

12.在奖金合同执行之前, 保留必要员工的需要必须由校长致函校董会主席和公共账目审计长以充分证明.

12.6 .留职奖金不构成确定国家退休缴款数额的补偿或薪金和工资.

13. Merit Salary Increases: The performance of staff employees shall be reviewed annually, 对立功的,应当予以表彰. 该方案的管理方式将确保适当考虑机构所有部门的个人.

13.1 .绩效薪金调整的数目和数额将视机构提供持续预算支助的能力而定. Specific guidelines regarding the awarding of merit will be announced by the President and the Executive Council.

13.有关加薪的建议将由部门主席或行政主管提交给相应的副总裁批准,并纳入预算制定过程. 系主任/主任, 迪安, and Vice President will require adequate documentation to substantiate the merit pay action.


13.3.1机密和专业/非机密员工:加薪建议必须包括1月1日至3月31日之间完成的绩效评估副本. Evaluations must have justifications for outstanding ratings and indicate meritorious service during the past year.



13.4 To be eligible for a merit salary increase or one time merit payment, a candidate must:

13.4.1 Have been an employee of the University for at least twelve (12) continuous months prior to the award, 不包括任何日历月的无薪休假;

13.4.自上次晋升以来已经过了至少十二(12)个月, disciplinary action or merit increase or one time merit payment; and

13.4.完成上一年度的绩效评估. 评估必须在1月1日至3月31日之间完成.

13.4.总体评分超过3分.1分中的0分.0 to 5.0.

13.4.5 An employee may receive only one (1) merit increase or one time merit payment in a fiscal year.

13.4.6 Be a regular benefits eligible full-time or part-time (50% FTE or greater) employee. 学生、小时工和临时工不包括在内.

13.5 Only employees at the maximum of their salary groups are eligible to receive one-time merit payments. 这些款项在今后几年将不成为基本薪金的一部分.


13.6.1 Recommendations will be submitted by supervisors during the budget development process. 所有加薪将于9月1日生效, 并将被纳入该机构的运营预算. 任何增加都不具有追溯力.

13.6.每次绩效加薪只按基本工资计算.e. 不考虑寿命,危险工作工资). Merit is awarded without regard to any equity adjustment or other equity issues.

13.6.3 Any merit pay increase award will be in addition to State of Texas or institutional across the board raises, 并将适用于之前的全面上调. 绩效工资的增加将成为员工基本工资的一部分.

13.7 .如果由于预算限制, a choice must be made between two or more comparable employees in the awarding of merit pay, the supervisor shall consider: special contributions; the attendance records; the length of service with the institution; and, 在他/她的职位上的时间长度.

13.8 The appropriate Vice Presidents will review the recommendations and give final approval of merit salary adjustments.

13.如果没有资金来增加绩效工资, the President and the Executive Council may choose to award Administrative Leave with pay. Such leave should not exceed the 32 hours Outstanding Performance established in the Texas Government Code Ann.第661条.911;

13.9.1 Outstanding performance leave must be used within the 12 (twelve) months following the award.

13.9.2 An employee who leaves the University prior to the exhaustion of the leave, 余额将被没收.

13.10位副总裁, 院长, 董事应每年审查绩效分配,以确保合格的员工得到主管的考虑. Each Vice President may form a Merit Review Committee to hear staff member appeals.


《十大电子游艺网站排行》第659条.042, .043, .044, .046, .047.

Office of the Comptroller, Payroll 政策及程序 Guide, August 2000, page 2.20

《十大电子游艺网站排行》第659条.255 (e) -绩效加薪/一次性绩效

第77条立法一般拨款法, 第三条, 仅与国家高等教育机构有关的特别规定, §5.5


信件,98-02 (1977)
