
Activities and Events Committee

LU Banners on CampusA. Community Service

鼓励员工议会的志愿服务,并举办慈善活动,让员工议会参与. 社区服务委员会应努力使校董会及大学职员参与社区服务工作.

B. Staff Awards Ceremony

To organize the annual Staff Awards Ceremony.

C. Staff Social Events


D. Student Success

组织及/或自愿协助学生的相关活动,以显示教职员委员会对学生的支持. 并专注于改善直接有助于学生成功和参与的共同关切.

Communication and Outreach Committee

A. Communications

In working with all Staff Council committees, communicate activities, events and projects related to or sponsored by Staff Council.

B. Staff Relations

促进一个安全及健康的工作环境,并促进员工与员工评议会之间的沟通. 识别和调查影响大学员工的问题、问题和改进.

Nominations Committee

A. Nominations

为职员评议会成员空缺征集候选人, Staff Council Officers; and to carry out elections in accordance with Council Bylaws. 制订提名及选举立法会议员的工作程序.

B. Nominations Drive

In working with the Communications and Outreach Committee, create Staff Council recruitment materials.

Operational Support Committee

A. Bylaws

To review, 就章程修订和政策声明提出建议并促进讨论. 担任议会顾问,以维持工作人员理事会会议的成果.

Ethics and Governance Committee

当理事会成员或官员的行为受到质疑时,应成立道德及管治委员会. 应成立一个保密委员会来审查申诉并确定行动计划, referred to as Staff Council Disciplinary Action, to resolve the issue(s). The committee’s recommendation stands and shall be recorded. 任何有职员议会纪律处分记录的校董会议员或职员,均无资格担任职员或委员会主席.

The committee shall have no more than five members. 委员会委员须由校务委员会官员委任,并保持匿名. 记录应保密,并由职员议会秘书保管, Nominations Chair and Staff Council Liaison.

  1. 解除职员评议会成员或主任职位的规定
    1. 教职员评议会成员及职员须遵守香港大学教职员评议会附例, 教职员评议会官员职责及香港大学政策及程序.
    2. The violation of any or all of the requirements, but not limited to those listed previously, are considered grounds for removal.
    3. A finding of violation made requires that: 
      1. There be a significant departure from established practices.
      2. 违章行为是故意的、故意的或不负责任的.
      3. The allegations be proven by a preponderance of the evidence.
  1. 免去职员评议会成员或主任职务的程序
    1. Allegation
      1. A report of a perceived violation, by a Staff Council member or officer, may be made by any member of Staff Council, LU staff, faculty, or student body.
      2. The Complainant must file a written, 在得知申诉所依据的事件或决定后的30个日历日内与工作人员理事会官员签署声明.
      3. The written complaint must contain specific, 有关涉嫌违反《电子艺游网投官方网站》的详细资料, policies and procedures, 或者失职的例子.
      4. 道德及管治委员会须向理事会成员或职员提供指控的书面副本.
    2. Investigation
      1. 道德与治理委员会应召开会议审查书面投诉.
      2. 如果委员会决定对指控进行更彻底的调查, 他们应在收到指控后10个工作日内开始调查.
      3. Investigation shall include full review of the complaint. 如认为适当,可与所有有关各方,包括证人进行面谈.
      4. Upon conclusion of the investigation, 道德和管治委员会应向工作人员理事会干事提供一份完整的调查报告. 如果指控涉及官员,他们应被排除在接受报告之外.
    3. Formal Inquiry
      1. 在初步调查结束后,应立即召开道德与管治委员会会议,讨论解除理事会成员或官员的职务.
      2. 道德与管治委员会主席应通知理事会成员或官员,已安排会议讨论解除其在理事会中的职务.
      3. 道德与治理委员会可以采访任何可以提供有助于调查信息的人.
      4. 理事会成员或官员应有机会就指控发表意见并为自己辩护, 包括提供额外的相关证据和证人.
      5. 道德及管治委员会可能会召开后续会议作进一步讨论.
    4.   Conclusion of Formal Inquiry
      1. 道德及管治委员会应向参谋理事会干事建议采取的行动.
      2. 终局决定应当自调查结束之日起10个工作日内作出.
    5. Actions
      1. 理事会成员或官员不得就其本人的行动或罢免进行表决.
      2. 道德与治理委员会和理事会官员必须获得多数投票才能免除理事会成员或官员的职务.
      3. 解除理事会成员或官员职务,包括在本届任期剩余时间内解除理事会成员的所有职责.
      4. 被从职员议会除名的议员或官员, due to Disciplinary Action, shall not be eligible for Staff Council membership. This action shall remain in effect indefinitely.
      5. 受到职员议会纪律处分的议员或职员, but remains a Staff Council member, shall not be eligible to serve as an officer or committee chair. This action shall remain in effect indefinitely.