2011 - 2012年的历史


Location: 200 Archer Building, Phone: 409.880.8511


It is the purpose of the 历史系 to impart a knowledge and understanding of the past to the students enrolled in the university. This objective is based upon the belief that such knowledge and understanding improve the quality of life of individuals and contribute to the welfare of our society. The department seeks to accomplish this objective through a program of continued study and research by its members and its students. 研究 interests of the department encompass the world.



辅修历史 -18 hrs Teacher Certification in 历史 8-12



The degree of Bachelor of Arts in 历史 will be awarded upon the completion of the following requirements:

  1. General Requirements: See Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum, section 6.1.4. 除了, students must complete a foreign language, which substitutes for the communication requirement in the core, 还有三个学期的文学课.
  2. Major: 嘘3321, 3322 -World 历史 — six semester hours. 嘘1301, 1302 -American 历史 Surveys — six semester hours. 嘘3390 -Historical 研究 — three semester hours. Advanced United States 历史 — six semester hours (4000 level). Advanced World (Non-United States) 历史 — six semester hours (4000 level).
  3. Minor: An approved minor of at least eighteen semester hours.
  4. Electives: Sufficient approved electives to complete a total of 120 semester hours. Within the 120-semester-hour program there must be a minimum of at least 119 semester hours of courses that may not include physical activity courses, 健康和保健课程, 以及实习项目课程.


第一学期 第二学期
嘘1301 3 嘘1302 3
心血管病 3 心血管病 3
数学(1314) 3 数学2 3
我是伊莱姆·朗 3 伊莱姆·朗 3
社会科学3 3 1370年菲尔 3
就是人们 1
16 15
嘘3321 3 嘘3322 3
英格兰点燃 3 英格兰点燃 3
临时语言1 3 临时语言 3
科学 4 科学 4
政客们2301 3 政客们2302 3
嘘3390 3 历史(广告世界) 3
历史(历史) 3 3
美术4 3 3
3 选修 3
选修 3 选修 3
15 15
历史(历史) 3 HIST (adv Am/Wor) 3
3 历史(广告世界) 3
3 3
选修 6 选修
15 12
注: 1 法语、西班牙语、德语或美国手语 2 Math courses: 1316, 1324, 1325, or any higher level course except 1335 or 1336.

3 Social Science courses: Anth 2346; Anth 2351; Econ 1301; Psyc 2301; or Soci 1301.

4 Fine Arts courses: Arts 1301; Danc 2304; Huma 1315; Musi 1306; Thea 1310.


Students from other disciplines who wish to minor in history must complete 18 semester hours, 由1301和1302组成的, 3321或3322都行, and 9 semester hours of any 4000 level courses. No grade below a “C” will be counted toward the minor.


Students wishing to secure the Bachelor of Arts degree in history may at the same time complete the curriculum requirements for a Texas teaching certificate—secondary, 在历史教学领域. 有两种认证选项, and for information concerning these programs the student should consult advisors in the 历史系.

Bachelor of Arts in 历史 – Total Min. 时间:120


It is the purpose of the 历史系 to impart a knowledge and understanding of the past to the students enrolled in the university. This objective is based upon the belief that such knowledge and understanding improves the quality of life for individuals and contributes to the welfare of our society. The department seeks to accomplish this objective through a program of continued study and research by its members and students. 研究 interests of the department focus on both American and European history.

Admission Requirements Applicants for the 历史学硕士 must meet all Graduate College entrance requirements. Their background in history must include two semesters of American history, two semesters of world or western civilization, one advanced course in each area and a course in historical research and writing.

Applicants shall achieve a minimum verbal score of 500 and a minimum analytical score of 3 on the GRE. Two letters of recommendation and one sample of academic writing are also required.


  1. 论文选择. The thesis option is strongly recommended for those who plan to continue graduate study beyond the masters. The thesis program requires completion of 24 semester hours of class-work; HIST 5300 (Historiography) is required and a minimum of 12 hours must be taken in Seminar, 阅读或指导阅读课程. The student may take 6 graduate hours (class or seminar) in a supporting (minor) field. Six additional hours credit will be given for completion of the thesis. Thesis students must also demonstrate a reading knowledge of one classical or modern foreign language. This requirement may be satisfied by completing the 2312 course in a language, OR by passing a nationally recognized standardized language proficiency test, OR by completing a reading project administered by the faculty of the 历史系.
  2. Non-thesis选项. The non-thesis option is intended to provide a strong foundation in a wide range of historical areas and periods. It is designed for those who do not intend to seek a higher degree. Non-thesis students must complete 36 hours in history. HIST 5300 (Historiography) is required and a minimum of 18 hours must be in Seminar, 阅读, 或指导阅读课程. The student may take six hours in an approved minor field. 在完成他们的课堂作业之后, students must take a comprehensive written examination which is defended orally. A foreign language is not required for the non-thesis 历史学硕士.
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