
Location: 203 Social and Behavioral Sciences Building, Phone: (409) 880-8285

椅子: 埃德斯-柯克


心理学 is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes and, 像这样, is a diverse field that touches all aspects of human endeavor. 心理学系的目标是通过课堂内外的学习经验为学生提供最新的知识,从而提高批判性思维能力, 为他们提供研究方法, and prepare them for employment in business, 教育, 社区机构, 其他专业领域, 或者研究生院. 心理学课程是基于美国心理协会的原则,训练学生成为行为科学家,并利用他们的训练来告知他们作为专业人士的实践. 十大电子游艺网站排行保留根据德克萨斯州高等教育协调委员会和州教育工作者认证委员会制定的立法法案和规则修改学位要求和教学证书要求的权利.

Admission to 心理学系 Programs

Students wishing to major in psychology must have SAT/ACT scores of approximately 1000/21. 转专业到心理学的学生必须有可接受的SAT/ACT成绩,并且在大学里表现良好.


心理学文学士 -120小时
理学学士-心理学 -120小时


The degree of 心理学文学士 will be awarded upon completion of the following:

  1. 一般要求:见 核心课程 以及学位要求. Six semester hours of 英语 composition (ENGL 1301-1302); 3 semester hours of 英语 literature (ENGL 2310. 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, or 2376); 3 semester hours of Communication (com1315或1321); 数学1314 plus an additional 3 hours of math above 数学1314; 3 semester hours of creative arts (ARTS 1301, 1303年艺术, 通讯1375, DANC 2304, MUSI 1306, or PHIL 1330); 8 semester hours of 生物学 (1406-1407 or 2401-2402); 12 semester hours and completion of 2312 course in Spanish or French or 12 hours of sign language; 3 semester hours of Philosophy (1370 or 2303); 6 semester hours of 历史 (select 2 from 1301, 1302, 2301); 6 semester hours of 政治科学 (2301-2302); 1 semester hour in LIBR 1101, 曼2160年, or LMAR 1101; and ENGL 3310.
  2. 专业:PSYC 2301普通心理学, PSYC 2317简介duction 统计方法, PSYC 3301高级统计, PSYC 3302心理学方法, PSYC 4330实验心理学. An additional 21 semester hours selected from PSYC 3320, 3330, 3340, 3360, 4310, 4320, 4360, 和4380年.
  3. 辅修(18学时). An approved minor of at least 18 semester hours; a minimum of 9 semester hours must be on the advanced level.
  4. 选修课. 足够数量的经批准的选修课(3个高级小时)完成总共120个学时(45个高级小时).
  5. Completion of a standardized test of psychological knowledge such as the Major Field Achievement Test.
  6. Meet all remaining general 教育 degree requirements of the university and college.

总最少学时:120 (45 upper level hours). Additional requirements may be required for specialized areas, such as preparation f或者研究生院, 认证, 或许可. Please see a program advisor or the department chair for details.

Bachelor of Science – 心理学 Major

The degree of Bachelor of Science in 心理学 will be awarded upon completion of the following:

  1. 一般要求:见 核心课程 以及学位要求. Six semester hours of 英语 composition (ENGL 1301-1302); 3 semester hours of 英语 literature (ENGL 2310. 2320, 2322, 2326, 2331, 2371, or 2376); 3 semester hours of Communication (com1315或1321); 数学1314 plus an additional 3 hours of math above 数学1314; 3 semester hours of creative arts (ARTS 1301, 1303年艺术, 通讯1375, DANC 2304, MUSI 1306, or PHIL 1330); 8 semester hours of 生物学 (1406-1407 or 2401-2402); 8 semester hours of physical sciences (select from CHEM 13__/11__, 青烟14 __, phy 14 __, and SPSC 14__); 6 semester hours of 历史 (select 2 from 1301, 1302, 2301); 6 semester hours of 政治科学 (2301-2302); 1 semester hour in LIBR 1101, 曼2160年, or LMAR 1101; COSC 1371; and ENGL 3310.
  2. 专业:PSYC 2301普通心理学, PSYC 2317简介duction 统计方法, PSYC 3301高级统计, PSYC 3302心理学方法, PSYC 4330实验心理学. An additional 21 semester hours selected from PSYC 3320, 3330, 3340, 3360, 4310, 4320, 4360, 和4380年.
  3. 辅修(18学时). An approved minor of at least 18 semester hours; a minimum of 9 semester hours must be on the advanced level.
  4. 选修课. 足够数量的经批准的选修课(3个高级小时)完成总共120个学时(45个高级小时).
  5. Completion of a standardized test of psychological knowledge such as the Major Field Achievement Test.
  6. Meet all remaining general 教育 degree requirements of the university and college.

总最少学时:120. Additional requirements may be required for specialized areas, such as preparation f或者研究生院, 认证, 或许可. Please see a program advisor or the department chair for details.


A total of 18 hours of psychology courses are required for a minor, 其中9小时必须是上层. PSYC 2270 does not count toward a minor. The department will not accept any grade in the minor below a C. 低年级必修课:PSYC 2301普通心理学和PSYC 2317统计方法导论



秋季学期 春季学期
生物实验室 4 生物实验室 4
engl1301作文1 3 engl1302作文II 3
PSYC 2301普通心理学 3 LMAR 1101, LIBR 1101或曼2160年 1
现代语言或手语 3 现代语言或手语 3
数学1314 3 创造性的艺术 3
秋季学期 春季学期
英国文学 3 com1315或1321 3
PHIL 1370或2303 3 数学1314以上 3
现代语言或手语 3 现代语言或手语 3
历史 3 历史 3
PSYC 2317简介. 统计方法 3 PSYC 3301高级统计 3
秋季学期 春季学期
POLS 2301美国政府 3 POLS 2302美国政府2 3
PSYC 3302心理学方法 3 心理学高级 6
撰写技术报告 3 6
心理学高级 3
秋季学期 春季学期
PSYC 4330实验心理学 3 心理学高级 6
心理学高级 6 6
3 选修 3
选修 3


秋季学期 春季学期
生物实验室 4 生物实验室 4
engl1301作文1 3 engl1302作文II 3
PSYC 2301普通心理学 3 LMAR 1101, LIBR 1101或曼2160年 1
COSC 1371 3 数学1314以上 3
数学1314 3 创造性的艺术 3
秋季学期 春季学期
英国文学 3 com1315或1321 3
POLS 2301美国政府 3 POLS 2302美国政府2 3
历史 3 历史 3
选修 3 选修 3
PSYC 2317简介. 统计方法 3 PSYC 3301高级统计 3
秋季学期 春季学期
PSYC 3302心理学方法 3 心理学高级 6
撰写技术报告 3 6
心理学高级 3 实验室科学 4
实验室科学 4
秋季学期 春季学期
PSYC 4330实验心理学 3 心理学高级 6
心理学高级 6 6
6 选修 4


心理学系提供应用心理学硕士学位课程. It is designed to prepare professional personnel for employment in business, 行业, 或者社区心理健康. 学生可以选择工业/组织心理学或临床心理学的主要课程. In addition, the department offers a dual specialization program that offers training in both fields. 申请本课程的学生必须符合研究生院入学的一般要求(见第7节).2.3)并且必须提供与心理学学士学位相当的课程(24个学期),包括统计学和研究方法课程, GRE考试成绩, 目的陈述, and 3 letters of recommendation addressing the applicant's academic preparation, 适合研究生学习, and appraisal of the applicant's personal and moral standards for professional conduct. In most cases, applicants with the materials listed above who have at least a 3.0/4.累计平均绩点0,至少3分.0/4.心理学课程的平均绩点为0, GRE口语成绩不低于150分, and a quantitative GRE score of at least 150 are considered for admission. International students must present a minimum TOEFL score of 600. 该系有灵活的录取标准,允许教师单独审查申请人. The department will only consider applications for enrollment that begins in the fall semester. Applications for fall admission must be received by July 1. 学士学位后的学生未经系主任特别许可不得参加心理学研究生课程.


申请应用心理学理学硕士学位的学生必须满足研究生院所有的一般学位要求. Additional specific degree requirements are as follows:

  1. A minimum of 44 semester hours of course work in psychology, which must include 18 semester hours in PSYC 5300, 5301, 5302, 5320, 5323, 5350, 在PSYC 5120上两个学期的课. 对于临床课程, an additional 12 semester hours in PSYC 5310, 5311, 5312, 5313是必需的. 在工业/组织轨道, an additional 6 semester hours is required in PSYC 5321 and 5322 and 6 hours of approved electives.
  2. Candidacy examinations devised by the 心理学 Department graduate faculty. 学生可以申请在春季学期参加候选人(资格)考试,在春季学期中,适当的课程作业列在第.1 above is to be completed provided the student is in good academic standing. Dates to sit for the examination will be announced each year. A student must have satisfactorily passed candidacy examinations prior to enrolling in PSYC 5330, 5331, 5390, or 5391.
  3. Practicum: Six semester hours in PSYC 5330 and 5331.
  4. 论文:提交一篇可接受的论文和令人满意的期末口试成绩,至少有六个学期的PSYC 5390和5391.


Special attention is called to the following departmental policies:

  1. Graduate students are prohibited from providing psychological services except when supervised by a faculty member as part of a course requirement or when regularly employed by a licensed psychologist; an exempt agency, as defined by the Psychologist’s Licensing Act; or a departmental-approved nonexempt agency. 接受培训的学生应了解并遵守《十大电子游艺网站排行》和《电子艺游网投官方网站》. A violation of this policy will result in the student’s dismissal from the program.
  2. More than six hours of “C” level work will result in the student’s dismissal from the program.
  3. Students may not enroll in the same course more than twice (except for Thesis).
  4. Qualifying and/or final examinations may be repeated once if failure occurs. 在一般情况下, 考生必须在下次考试时重复参加考试的任何部分.
  5. 获得候选人资格后, 学生必须在每个常规学期参加一门论文课程,直到完成学位要求. 此外,如果学生要在8月获得学位或参与研究或写作,学生必须在夏季学期的每个学期注册论文课程.
  6. 未被心理学研究生课程录取的学生在被录取前可以注册不超过六个研究生学时.
  7. 通过德克萨斯州作为持牌心理助理的临床跟踪毕业生可用的执照. Additional coursework is required for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Consult the licensure board guidelines for additional details.

在特殊情况下,经系主任及学生指导教授同意, a student may postpone registration for the thesis course for one or more semesters. Unless special permission has been granted, 没有连续参加论文课程的学生必须重新参加候选人资格考试并申请重新参加候选人资格.