研究 and Creative Activity


Our mission is to create and sustain a culture of research among COAS faculty and students and to provide faculty with information and resources to facilitate faculty research and student activities.

指导很重要 Panel - 春天24




时间: 下午1:00至2:30

地点: 玛丽酒店的8楼 & 约翰·格雷图书馆,

Committee members from the 研究 and Creative Activity Committee and the students that they've mentored will share and discuss why mentoring matters.



Grant Writing Panel - Fall 23

Event held October 30, 1:00-3:30 in the Science Auditorium. This event featured faculty from the College of Arts and Sciences giving talks about applying for grants and submitting publications. 这些小组由奥巴马博士领导. 托马斯苗圃和Dr. Sanaz Alasti. Dr. 菲尔·科尔博士. 杰夫·福瑞特博士. 姜·甘梅尔特博士. 马特·霍奇女士. 格雷琴·约翰逊博士. 刘兴亚博士. 伊丽莎白·朗博士. Sylvestre Twagirayezu, and Dr. Ruthie Robinson participated in the panel discussion. Opening Remarks were made by Dr. Jerry Lin, Associate Provost for 研究.



  Matt Hoch, Associate Professor

Department of 化学 and 生物化学
  Sylvestre Twagirayezu, Assistant Professor

Department of 计算机科学
  Sujing Wang, Associate Professor
  Xingya Liu, Associate Professor

Department of English and Modern Languages



JoAnne Gay Dishman School of 护理
  Raouth Kostandy, Assistant Professor

  Wael Al-Sawai, Assistant Professor

  Phil Cole, Professor and Chair


Department of 政治科学
  Tom Sowers, Associate Professor and Chair

  Raymond Doe, Assistant Professor

  Jesse Garcia, Assistant Professor

  Sanaz Alasti, Associate Professor
  Vidisha Worley, Associate Professor


Sanaz Alasti

研究 & Creative Activity Initiatives




The committee hosted an event where nine Lamar university faculty members spoke on grant writing and publishing in a panel open to all LU faculty and staff. Jerry Lin, Associate Provost for 研究, gave the opening remarks.


Strategic research initiative each department will pursue in the 2023 - 2024 academic year.


倡议: 研究 and Coffee Brown Bag
当: Once annually- Fall or Spring
人: All research faculty and students
测量: 事件完成

化学 & 生物化学

倡议: Encourage faculty and students to attend/present at Welch conference and American Chemical Society National Conference (or any other conference which is relevant to their research)
当: 每年
人: 教师和学生
测量: Attendance and presentation


倡议: Set up a monitor wall outside the CS department office to showcase CS faculty research activities and research assistant (RA) opportunities for students. Invite speakers to deliver research talks.
当: Y23-24
人: CS Department and ACM advisor
测量: Exit Survey and Interview, funded research projects and publications


倡议: Increase research opportunities for T-T faculty via reassigned time.


人: 新T-T系
测量: Reassigned or release time granted to each T-T faculty member.

English and Modern Languages

倡议: At least one event in 2024年春季 in which a faculty member working on a creative or research based or creative project is given the opportunity to showcase their work through a lecture or scheduled discussion. Another option might be a roundtable in which several faculty discuss their work. A third idea potentially in the works is to ask a writer such as Dave Oliphant or Walter Bargen to come and do a poetry reading.  Further support for release time for faculty working on manuscripts under contract.
当: 2024年春季

Adam Nemmers, Jim Sanderson, Amy Smith, Sara Hillin, Katherine Hoerth, Sharon Joffe

测量: Publications and/or public discussions of works, student and faculty attendance at events


倡议: Writing brown bag workshop
当: 2023-2024学年
人: 向全体教员开放
测量: Number of meetings per semester and amount of research published

JoAnne Gay Dishman School of 护理

倡议: At least three (3) undergraduate nursing majors will engage in undergraduate research / creative activities with nursing faculty as mentors.
当: 到2024年5月
人: 护理学院
测量: Evidence of at least 3 undergraduate nursing majors engaging in or completed an undergraduate research project / creative activity with a nursing faculty mentor.


倡议: 复活部门讨论会
当: 2024年春季
人: Vallin
测量: Hold at least two colloquia in spring 2024


倡议: Submit Internal and Extramural Grants + publish papers in high-impact journals
当: 现在
人: 所有教师
测量: 发表论文 &  授予.    


倡议: Attempt to seek outside funding for teaching reduction.
当: 全年
人: 所有教师
测量: Number of funded reductions.


倡议: Department brown bag research meetings with students
当: 2024年春季
人: All PSYC full-time faculty (and others who wish to contribute)
测量: Number of separate meetings. Number of students who end up working with faculty because of the meetings.

Sociology, Social Work and Criminal Justice

倡议: Faculty will share current and active research with a 研究 class
当: 2023-2024学年
人: One faculty from each program
测量: One faculty from each program will share their current research with a research class in the department (may be from a different program).