
John Gray Library 8th floor, Lamar Room




与会者:Eileen Curl, Kaye谢尔顿, 黛安•梅森, 克莱顿jeffry, 艾伦•摩尔, 朱蒂曼, 露丝·罗宾逊, Vidisha沃利, 艾米丽·伯恩和贝弗利·肯普

 I. 请医生来点菜. 下午12:29卷曲

 II. 批准2019年4月9日会议纪要

Motion to approve April minutes made by 露丝·罗宾逊

3. ORPSA的电子艺游网投官方网站


  • Cayuse Review Process: Please make sure you are completing your review process. Be sure you are clicking all the required areas so the submission continues on the approval process. 具体地说, when you have made your decision and then need to click the proceed button to complete the review process.
  • 滚出:博士. 马卡特博士. Palanki had a meeting and will begin roll offs in 2020. They will be staggered so not everyone moves off at once. If you would like to roll off sooner, please let me know.


  • Student Access: Students do not automatically have access to Cayuse and they can not request their own access. Requests need to come from the student’s faculty advisor. New faculty are not automatically added to Cayuse either but can request their own access. All requests must come from Lamar email accounts and requests need to be emailed to rspa@practicaldrilling.com and must include the following information: first name, 姓, LEA电子邮件地址, 部门, 部门p / box, 联系电话. 所有请求必须发送到 rspa@practicaldrilling.com, this way in the event I am out of the office for an extended period of time requests for access are handled in a timely manner.
  • CITI training: A few faculty members and students are emailing their CITI training to our 部门 email and we do not maintain copies of these certificates. The certificates are a required field within the submission and must be uploaded to the applications. 没有必要通过电子邮件发送副本.

IV. Update on Approved Expedited Studies:

贝弗利·肯普:146个例外, 44加快, and 7 full board reviews approved for the fiscal year which equals a total of 197 approvals.  Total IRB applications for the fiscal year is 352. The difference in the approval number and overall submissions includes the following: IRB’s in draft status that have yet to be submitted for approval, IRB正在等待批准, 以及已经过期的IRB, 关闭, 或者被撤回.

V. 社交媒体和研究:

艾米丽出生: Technology is always changing, and we have new and different kinds of studies that being submitted. It’s not always clear yet and each university may have their own policy on these types of studies. It is difficult to find guidelines regarding research and social media. We had a professor who wanted to invite participants to login into a 脸谱网 account. They wanted to record the session and review it and complete a survey on their emotional responses. The question was is 脸谱网 considered public or private data. There weren’t any rules for this but it did require some discussion. I wanted to bring it to your attention in the event that we need to create an online policy.  I think if we look at each one we can come up with an overall policy regarding using social media for research. 

Eileen Curl: I think it is something we will certainly see more of and we should probably put something in our policies since we are currently revising them. Maybe we could start with a case by case approval. The IRB will probably not come to full board unless some item within the study warrants.

 露丝·罗宾逊: I believe we will see more studies involving social media and a case by case analysis is appropriate.

VI.  LU IRB Policies and Procedures on Use of Human Subjects 研究

Eileen Curl: Emily has gotten the ball kicked off with updating our policies and procedures. We have needed to do this for a while and we are moving in the right direction. She has added some things we are doing now, 删除不再使用的东西, and made updates regarding the Common Rule changes that went into effect in January. Is there anything policy wise we need to address right now? We will be bringing this out in our next two meetings for review, so we can get the changes posted on the website. Policies and procedures must be presented at two meetings prior to approval and posting them on the web.  

露丝·罗宾逊: I was interested in the part with students only needing one IRB approval in collaborative IRB’s.

Eileen Curl: The 部门 can certainly require the student to complete an IRB here at Lamar even though with the changes from Common Rule only one approval is now necessary. If you think of other policies or procedures, please let either me or Emily know as we are making changes and revisions now and we can incorporate them.

7. Reminder: Board members need to hold current CITI training. The required training for all board members, which was approved at the April meeting is as follows: Social and Behavioral 研究-Basic/Refresher (SBE), Biomedical 研究 – Basic/Refresher (Biomed), 和IRB成员-基本/进修.

8. 其他物品:

Eileen Curl: 2020年的会议日期. I reviewed the dates for 2020 and they    are: January 14, 4月14日, 7月14日, 9月8日, 11月10日.

The remainder of the meeting dates for 2019 is September 10 and November 12. Next meeting September 10, 2019 at 12:30 location is yet to be determined.

Meeting adjourned by Eileen Curl at 1:08pm.