
CICE房间113 A和113 B


文理学院:詹妮弗·福勒, 伊恩·丽安, 帕特Heintzelman, 刘江江(简), 蒂娜米. 基布, 苏净王, 马克Mengerink, 伊森, 阿曼达·埃里森, 詹妮弗Thedford, 梅丽莎·莱利, 吉姆Armacost. 杜耀文,林正贤,B. 灰吕变硬

College of Education and Human Development: Shelly Allen

商学院: Gevorg Sargsyan,Vivek Natarajan, Kelly Weeks, Tim McCoy

College of Fine Arts and Communication: Andre Favors, Paul Eric McCluskey, Stephan Malick,

College of Engineering: Clayton Jeffryes, Chun-Wei Yao, John Gossage, Gleb Tcheslavski




文学院 & Sciences: Mark Broome, Matt Hoch, Wen Liu, Perumalreddy Chandrasekaran

College of Education and Human Development: Daryl Ann Borel, 凯利布朗, 凯瑟琳·华盛顿, 克里斯蒂娜·里奥斯, Eunjin Kwon, 穆罕默德(卡奥)哈姆扎


College of Fine Arts and Communication: Xenia Fedorchenko, 艾伦Brincks, 莉莲菲利普, 切尔西莱尔斯, 布瑞尔霜

工程学院:Maryam Hamidi




文学院 and Sciences: Raouth Kostandy, Sharon Joffe, Elia Hatfield,

教育与人类发展学院:Daniel R. Chilek

商学院: Ashraf El-Houbi, Xiao “Jerry” Zhang

College of Fine Arts and Communication: Millicent Musyoka


图书馆:Poornima Gunasekaran, Penny Clark



3:31 p.m.



  • Cardinal View – Expressed appreciation to everyone that participated and making Cardinal View such a successful event.
  • Texas Academy at Lamar (TAL) – Goal is to make this a very prestigious program for Lamar. 目前有近100名学生入学.
  • 体育运动 – 体育运动 is doing better than in the past and athletes are also doing well in the classroom. The athletic director is adamant about athletes being good students.
  • 总体规划——考虑景观和交通流量, 校园中间没有路, 更多绿地. 同时,继续修建校园的新入口. 计划包括在荣誉学院附近建一个新宿舍, hope to receive a gift/donation to fund this construction.
  • 图书馆改造——工程正在进行中. 改造后, 图书馆将更加美观, 外面多一些玻璃, 为学生提供更好的体验.
  • Spindletop Museum Expansion – Currently have coffee with the President each morning, 午餐餐车, 计划扩大到周四, 星期五, and Saturday evenings for people to gather and talk about what’s happening in an informal setting.




No action was taken on the minutes of February 07, 2024 general meeting.


教务委员会主席报告(Dr. Cheng-Hsien林)


  • Texas Council of 教师参议院s (TCFS) Meeting Report
    • The TCFS Spring meeting was held February 23-24 in San Antonio. 会议的主要焦点是SB17 (DEI)计划 & Practices) and SB18 (Tenure, post-tenure review, termination, and peer review process).
  • 宾州
    • Tenure and Promotion of Tenure-track and Tenured Non-library Faculty Policy MAPP – This MAPP will soon be available for community comment.
    • Promotion to Professor – External Reviewers – This MAPP will soon be available for community comment.
  • 招生问题
    • Currently enrollments in several undergraduate programs are declining. 然而,拉马尔是稳定的. However, high school enrollments are lower which implies college enrollments will decline.
  • 终身教职与非终身教职
    • 大学之间的讨论很活跃, 包括拉马尔, 关于非终身教职人员和他们的晋升. The Academic Issues Committee is working on a draft MAPP for non-tenured faculty promotion to present to Dr. Theodori.
  • tsu政策
    • Faculty employment and what chairs can require; will report further details when receive more clarification.
  • 大学委员会选举
    • 提名表格将于春假前寄出. Please encourage nominations and confirm individual is eligible and willing to serve.
    • University Committees – Policy states that individual can’t serve consecutive terms, there should be a gap year before serving on the same committee.
    • College Personnel Committees – After University Committee elections are concluded, 举行书院人事委员会选举.
  • 教务委员会出席率
    • 根据教务委员会章程, “Senators are expected to attend and actively participate in regular Senate meetings, 参议院委员会会议, 特别会议. Senators who are absent from more than three regular Senate meetings or 参议院委员会会议 in an academic year will be notified that their attendance is unacceptable and that their name will be dropped from the Senate roster, unless the Senate president determines that there are compelling reasons for the absences.” An email will be sent from the 教师参议院 Secretary to Senators who have not adhered to the policy.
  • 黑板壳里的系主任
    • There was discussion regarding Department Chairs placing themselves in faculty blackboard shells and academic freedom.
      • Andre Favors motioned to suspend the rules to allow a resolution to be developed by the Faculty Affairs Committee regarding the allowance of departmental chairs access to Blackboard courses and voted on by the entire 教师参议院 online prior to our next general meeting.
      • 加里克·哈登附议.
      • All Senators voted Yes except Alan Brinks who voted no. 运动了.


  • 教师参议院 Open House – March 20, 2024, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm.



  • 《电子艺游网投官方网站》——詹妮弗·福勒

The entire committee met with the CFO and discussed the following topics:

  • 预算委员会
  • 预算的透明度
  • 绩效计划:MAPP的绩效计划
  • Equity Adjustment – continued to push for instructor equity.


  • 教务-王素静
  • Workload Issue: Workload is an extension o the teaching load issues. 看看其他德州州立大学的政策. Also, discussed AP online program and large class sizes and research initiatives.
  • Chairs in Blackboard Shells: Requested input/comments to assist with drafting a resolution.


  • 学术问题-梅丽莎·莱利


  • Class Schedule: Met with the SGA president for input from students. 建议他给学生发一份调查问卷.
  • Non-tenure faculty MAPP: Reviewing and making comments/recommendations on non-tenured faculty.


  • 研究 & 创造性活动——约翰·戈萨奇
    • 本月无报告


  • 教师评价-博士. 林代表米莉·穆斯约卡(参加会议)


  • Faculty Climate Survey: A Google form will be used to collect data. 报告将删除所有可识别的信息. 目标-在四月的会议上完成并报告结果.
  • 新F2.08:用于完成表单的水印. 将提供培训课程.


  • 教员手册- B. 灰吕变硬

委员会继续关注众多mapp. The committee is waiting to hear back from AAUP’s legal team on the faculty handbook MAPP to make sure it is aligned with Texas State Law and TSUS policy and procedures.


  • 检讨《十大电子游艺网站排行》特设委员会-董建华博士. 林报告(J). P. 纳尔逊从参议院辞职.)
  • Proposed Bylaws: Didn’t receive any major comments on the proposed bylaws. 投票将于4月举行.






  • Open House: March 20, 2024, FUFS Office (John Gray, Rudy Williams, 128), 12PM – 2:PM
  • 大学委员会选举(秘书报告)
    • Online nomination ballots will be sent before Spring Break.
    • Please encourage nominations and confirm individual is eligible and willing to serve.
    • University Committees – Policy states that individual can’t serve consecutive terms, there should be a gap year before serving on the same committee.



