
CICE房间113 A和113 B


文学院 and Sciences: Jennifer Fowler, 伊恩·丽安, 帕特Heintzelman, 苏净王, 马克Mengerink, 伊森, 阿曼达·埃里森, 詹妮弗Thedford, Raouth Kostandy, 莎朗·约菲, 梅丽莎·莱利, 雷蒙德·多伊, Cheng-Hsien林, B. 灰吕变硬

College of Education and Human Development: Eunjin Kwon, Daryl Ann Borel

College of Business: Gevorg Sargsyan, Tim McCoy

College of Fine Arts and Communication: Andre Favors, 保罗·埃里克·麦克罗斯基, Stephan马利克, 穆西约卡米利森特, 莉莲菲利普, 切尔西莱尔斯, 布瑞尔霜

College of Engineering: Clayton Jeffryes, Chun-Wei Yao, John Gossage

图书馆:Penny Clark



文学院 & Sciences: Mark Broome, Matt Hoch, Tina Kibbe, Wen Liu, Elia Hatfield, Perumalreddy Chandrasekaran

College of Education and Human Development: Shelly Allen, 凯利布朗, 凯瑟琳·华盛顿, 克里斯蒂娜·里奥斯, 穆罕默德(卡奥)哈姆扎

College of Business: Xiao "Jerry" Zhang, Vivek Natarajan, Kelly Weeks

College of Fine Arts and Communication: Xenia Fedorchenko, Alan Brincks

College of Engineering: Maryam Hamidi

Library: Poornima Gunasekaran



文学院 and Sciences: Jiangjiang (Jane) Liu, Jim Armacost

College of Education and Human Development: Daniel R. Chilek

College of Business: Ashraf El-Houbi

College of Fine Arts and Communication:

College of Engineering: Mien Jao, Gleb Tcheslavski



3:30 p.m.



  • Library Renovation – President Taylor discussed pending renovation to 的 library. Groundbreaking is scheduled this summer. The renovation will be done in phases over two years.
  • Intramural Field – A new intramural/multi-purpose space is planned in 的 location that previously was a golf driving range. The goal is to create undergraduate enrollment and enhance student life. This space will also be used for marching band practice.



  • 阿什利Dockens, CTLE主任, Associate Dean of Policy and Procedure and Tim Smith, CTLE助理主任, 共享信息, 建议, 资源, and professional development opportunities from 的 Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement (CTLE) regarding artificial intelligence (AI).




Andre Favors moved to approve 的 minutes of 的 November 1, 2023, general meeting. Jennifer Fowler seconded 的 motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.


Andre Favors moved to approve 的 minutes of 的 December 6, 2023, general meeting. Stephan马利克 seconded 的 motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.


教师参议院 President’s Report (Dr. Cheng-Hsien林)


  • 林校长会见了陈博士. Theodori, Provost Brown and President Taylor regarding equity adjustments, 工作量的问题, 办公时间, university one computer policy, 并在美国境外旅行.S. 拉马尔电脑.


教师参议院 Committee Chair Reports

  • Budget and Compensation – Jennifer Fowler

该委员会 met and discussed 的 following topics:

  • Equity Adjustment – continued to push for instructor equity.
  • Merit Plans: completed draft MAPP.
  • Budget Managers – ga的red job descriptions of budget managers from colleges, will share with Provost Brown
  • 大学 预算委员会: 该委员会 is meeting with 的 首席财务官有关 retooling 的 大学 Budget Committee into something useful. 该委员会, led by Andre Favors, is 起草费用r 的 committee and discussing membership.


  • Faculty Affairs – 苏净王
  • Teaching Load Survey: Survey found 的re was no clear policy on teaching load; many inconsistencies and class size are increasing.
  • Tenure and Promotion: New MAPP being developed.


  • Academic Issues – 梅丽莎·莱利

Committee met and discussed 的 following topics:

  • Class Schedule: As reported last month Provost Brown announced that 的 大学 is going back to 的 50-minute Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes with start times, 8:00-8:50, 9:00-9:50, 等. with 10 minutes between classes. 与博士会面. Titus and Sean Gray regarding 10-minute passing time. To request input from SGA president.
  • Preferred Name Issue: Discussed 的 issue with Dr. 提多,博士. 韦尔奇和克雷格·庞伯. Banner name different from Blackboard and outside homework system, outside homework system did not have L number. They are working to resolve 的 issue.
  • Non-tenure faculty MAPP: Reviewing and making comments/建议 on non-tenured faculty.
  • 研究 & Creative Activity – John Gossage
    • 本月无报告


  • Faculty Evaluation – Millie Musyoka

Met and discussed 的 following topic:

  • 08年MAPP
  • 新F2.08: Training sessions will be offered via Watermark.
  • Faculty Climate Survey: Beginning to work on 的 survey. Please forward any questions you would like to add to 的 next survey to Millie Musyoka.


  • 教员手册- B. 灰吕变硬

Continue to meet on Sundays and have scheduled meeting with Dr. Theodori,

  • Computer Usage: Drafted language to include in faculty handbook regarding policies on use of computer hardware/software and copyright limitation.


  • Ad Hoc Committee for 的 Review of 的 Bylaws – Dr. Lin报道。. P. Nelson resigned from 的 senate.
  • Proposed Bylaws: Comments due no later than February 11, 2024



Senators’ attendance at meetings.



  • 选举委员会:博士. Lin requested one senator from each College to help with 的 March election.
  • Resignation of Vice-President: Dr. 林报告说,J. P. 纳尔逊辞职了.
  • Election of Vice President:
    • 帕特Heintzelman提名. 灰吕变硬. President Lin called for additional nominations. 没有收到. B. 灰吕变硬 was elected by acclimation.
  • 帕特Heintzelman recommended that some motions be held with confidential ballot. Dr. Lin will review this recommendation.



Jennifer Fowler motioned to adjourn. Millie Musyoka seconded 的 motion. 动议全票通过.


The meeting adjourned at 5:25p.m.