
艾米L. 琼斯

点名(签到) FS 总统宣布链接登录. 下午3:30开始.



Dr. Taylor began his update by letting FS know that he is enjoying working with faculty and has been happy to have the open discussions that have been requested. Dr. 泰勒报告说,他与J. Slaydon谈到了公平研究的数据,并讨论了如何首先对大学进行基准测试. Dr. Taylor stated he would investigate whether we could get access to data we report to the State. Dr. Taylor suggested greater reviews need to occur when programs are being formed and how money is being spent (Pro Formas).

  • 全体会议的建议(J. Slaydon) – physical copy of the budget should be available in a central location like the library
  • Recommendation from JP Nelson – adding to Slaydon – info was previously not only in library but also PDF online
  • 来自地板的信息:德克萨斯州立法预算委员会(Stephan Malick)和openthebooks.com (. 在网上有一些预算信息
  • Question and info from floor (K 周) – transparency is an issue – some events in the past have locked down the ability for faculty to have open communication
    • 来自FS校长的说明-我们现在能够直接联系教师
    • President Taylor response – I was not involved in past issues and want to look into decision making and processes to improve what is happening – changing things takes time




  • 喜欢建立和维持关系(喜欢早午餐)
  • OGDIE responsibility for multicultural programming and education – services for EVERYONE – but also have specific services for underrepresented individuals
  • 想分享一下OGDIE中的第一代前进计划
  • 创建了第一代转发工作组:
  • 获得NAFSA国家认可,成为第一个genforward联盟成员
  • 今年秋天有很多第一代的活动
  • 为德州科技第一代大会做过演讲吗
  • 在杰瑞·尼克斯的项目评估课上和他一起做过一个项目
  • E楼的问题. 香农)——谁是你的伙伴? – we have members of certain colleges that are a part of our workgroup – we welcome more 😊 – contact wjackson10@practicaldrilling.com
  • 楼上的注释(J). Slaydon) -你想要一份商学院(COB)第一代学生的名单吗?
  • 来自地板的问题(M. -麦克奈尔计划怎么了? 延期了两次,因为申请人数不够
  • G楼的提问. Harden )– religious diversity – some colleagues were offended by pastor at investiture – Response W. 杰克逊:谢谢你让我们注意到你的需求,我们会尽力满足你的需求
    • 场内讨论.
  • W的要求. 杰克逊:让你的学生走他们的路! 他们乐于助人!


通过会议记录- 2021年11月

Motion Vivek and Stephan Malick – second; passed





  • 11月见面. Jarrod Rossi嘉宾谈到了课程评估
  • 课程评估一般问题将被解决
  • 查看远程教育政策建议清单. Kumar – support the policy mostly but some committee members feel some things should be suggested rather than mandated to support academic freedom
  • 远程教育-林副总裁:发现这个列表是指导方针而不是政策


  • 完成派珀奖评审流程
  • 制定教师申诉政策并收到教务长的反馈(将在下次会议上讨论)
  • 在MAPP上工作,也增加了教师手册


  • Got one request received from Open Records for salaries for every employee and breakdowns by race, 性别, 种族问题,转交给公平研究
  • 第一个决议动议。”Based on the 2020 CUPA report and the Budget and Compensation Sub-committee’s analysis of salary data from 十大电子游艺网站排行, 哪一个例子说明了2003-2009年间聘用的教师的工资被压缩了, the Budget and Compensation Sub-committee moves that first equity raises be targeted at faculty hired between 2003-2009 from instructors up to full professors and all ranks in between simultaneously. 此外, the equity should be achieved for the above-mentioned cohort prior to any other equity adjustments and the administration should have an actionable plan to present to the 教师参议院 by the end of the present academic year to be implemented no later than the beginning of 2022 academic year. The Budget and Compensation Subcommittee also moves that faculty salaries for the cohort hired between 2003-2009 be adjusted to at least 10% below CUPA median salaries for aspirational institutions’ CUPA figures (or an alternative percentage that the current campus budget allows) and continue to minimize the salary gap over the course of 3 years to reach aspirational CUPA figures by 2024.”
  • 哈登提出动议,雷登附议
    • If we are looking to raise our Carnegie Institute ranking then faculty need the support to move to an R2
    • Heintzelman – appreciated inclusion to instructors but older hires (prior to 2003) have greater compression
    • 福勒-席梦思公司股权调整期间包括教官在内?
    • 海茨尔曼——不.
    • 几周的指导员排名可能会有所帮助
    • 数周——“没有人能得到权益调整,直到……”的措辞可能需要修改
    • Fowler – I think we need to do a study and figure out the amount needed to get us to equity and then request they find a way across a given time period to complete the equity matches
    • 周数- G. 哈登,你愿意接受一个友好的修正吗??
    • 哈登-是的
    • 讨论:这样做的必要性以及人力资源部门参与的原因
    • 斯莱顿提议结束讨论- G. 哈登第二
    • 几周——我们能不能等到每个人都复习完新语言再说?
    • 我们现在可以对该动议进行表决,并附上修正案。”Based on the 2020 CUPA report and the Budget and Compensation Sub-committee’s analysis of salary data from 十大电子游艺网站排行, 哪一个例子说明了2003-2009年间聘用的教师的工资被压缩了, the Budget and Compensation Sub-committee moves that first equity raises be targeted at faculty hired between 2003-2009 from instructors up to full professors and all ranks in between simultaneously. 此外, the equity should be given priority for the above-mentioned cohort prior to any other equity adjustments and the administration should have an actionable plan to present to the 教师参议院 by the end of the present academic year to be implemented no later than the beginning of 2022 academic year. The Budget and Compensation Subcommittee also moves that faculty salaries for the cohort hired between 2003-2009 be adjusted to minimally 10% below CUPA median salaries for aspirational institutions’ CUPA figures (or an alternative percentage that the current campus budget allows) and continue to minimize the salary gap over the course of 3 years to reach aspirational CUPA figures by 2024.”
      • 赞成通过
    • 注:随着数据的分析,可能需要进一步的动作

事件 ——多萝西·西斯克  

  • Met last week and recommended distinguished faculty lecturer should be moved to just after Spring Break


  • 克里斯代替J. 信息-向教务长(9名申请者)提出的所有建议


  • 穆斯约卡同意在卡门退休后接任主席一职
  • 喜欢Blackboard中的新FS模块

学生的成功——Pat Heintzelman 

  • 没有报告


  • 2次会议-财政司司长及大学会议
  • 回顾了上次发布手册时的评论
  • Requests faculty please pay attention to Monday announcements to make note of these review opportunities
  • 艾米把政策审查发给全体教员
  • 财政司司长是否希望看到已审阅的内容和更改的意见? 是的. 将在黑板上发表.
  • 推迟讨论工作量,直到进一步的信息
  • 泰勒总统不希望有严格的标准,而是希望有灵活性的指导方针


  • Some individuals have been denied promotion and overturned – people denied promotion (6 denied – 3 overturned)
  • K周(B). 梅耶尔认为是8个,只有2个没有被推翻)
  • 斯莱顿,他们是怎么进到教务长学院而没有早点被拒绝的?
  • Fedorchenko - f208和年度回顾-是由我们的管理层支持的? 共享治理在哪里?
  • 福勒:我们能不能请个圆桌或者棕色的袋子来讨论问题? ——也许是为了代替一些行政会议?
    • 周 - this meeting it was 90 minutes – we need time to vote on resolutions and motions – should we expand 120-150 minutes?
    • Natarajan -客座演讲者的时间太多了
  • 福勒笔记:. 泰勒谈到了公开记录的要求, 总统很乐意提供他所能提供的信息




  • JP Nelson at OUR Award session – office on signing off on all the checks for student prizes didn’t get to that in time
  • Nix - miniitab统计程序- LU已访问,但希望是和已访问- J. 斯莱顿(COB)有执照
  • 周 – Student evaluations that never end – we teach to evaluations instead of improving course (other places evaluated once every third year) – can focus more on quality rather than evaluation; evaluations beyond final time doesn’t make sense – send to academic issues
  • 周.-为他的新业务要求闭门会议讨论问题而不录音-
  • FS同意,关闭并停止记录下午5:28的会议
  • Dockens(秘书)为避免对非公开会议议题的偏见提出任何担忧,请离开.
  • 任何进一步的笔记由财政司司长或副总裁保管.


注:我没有最后的休会信息,因为我在闭门会议- A. Dockens(秘书)


休会 在下午
