
艾米L. 琼斯




3:30 PM





呼吁维持秩序 下午3:32 by Cheng-Hsien, Jennifer因为家庭私事不在


点名(签到): 实际上通过 http://forms.office.com/r/cc6kWRf4bZ



泰勒总统备忘录 -布兰达·尼科尔斯代替. 泰勒,他被双订了


  • Met with Jennifer re: authority over our bylaws and changes – spoke with a lawyer and we have the authority as our own governing body – all changes are immediately in effect
  • 改变课堂——如果课堂是面对面的,那么它必须是面对面的——如果你需要改变为混合, 你可以,但是如果有任何紧急的变动需要,你必须通过人力资源部
  • 改变课程类型会影响学生的支付——他们支付面对面授课的费用,这与在线授课的费用和费用不同
  • 请帮助学生保持在卢的兴奋,并成为我们学习社区的一部分
  • 你可以直接通过邮箱或x7087联系Brenda,她会亲自回复的
  • 今年结束时,我们将出现盈余,因为我们保留了旅行费用,而这些费用无法用于预防大流行——也“保留了职位”。. 与其他TSUS系统的大学相比,我们的储蓄账户低于平均水平. 今年夏天,我们不得不借钱来支付工资.
  • Covid让我们陷入了一种通常的情况,即无法轻易判断学生何时落后. 面对面可以帮助我们缓解这种情况.
  • 推动个人责任,遵守COVID安全协议. 洗手,戴口罩,测试,如果感觉不舒服就不要来,如果你失去了气味,那就去测试. 在会议上提供了疫苗接种-只有3人利用和所有的工作人员. JT -打电话给健康中心,说他们没有测试教师-斯蒂芬说他收到了一个移动网站将在9月建立的信息. 布伦达检查并确保他们正在测试,并将信息发送给郑显和阿什利传播
  • JT – Students who have opportunity to have Teams access just don’t show up – BN recommends recording and sharing instead – JT gives bonus points at the beginning at the meeting
  • Question from floor – COB – rewriting bylaws – good to have clarification – AAUP representatives have suggested that amendments cannot be retroactively applied – BN, no, 根据罗伯特议事规则, 它们自投票通过之日起生效,并适用于整个组织——从那时起规则发生变化
  • Cheng-Hsien—如果学生在班上感染了covid,政策是什么?如果有人检测呈阳性,请遵循CDC的指导方针, 向学生健康中心报告, then student health will reach out to those in contact with – fill out the form – classroom will be cleaned – everyday there are individuals cleaning – more masks will be given out tomorrow at the President’s community kickoff – wash songs – sing happy birthday or ABC song – avoid touching face and eyes
  • James Slaydon - 3%是基于教师的成绩,从学院分发到教务长办公室
  • Vivek -基于成绩-我们应该使用covid平均值吗? 这是基于大学的——有些人用三年的平均值——这是基于部门的决定
  • Melissa R – Covid question – if a student reports to us that they have covid is it a legal issue to report – it is not illegal since it is a confidential report
  • Garrick – Covid question re: personal responsibility – you have a student who is vaccinated and feels no need to wear a mask – we know from science that it can still be passed on – would like less emphasis on personal responsibility and instead on community responsibility emphasis – vaccinated CDC 3 days/unvaccinated 7-10, 但建议我们去疾控中心核实以确保准确性
  • 请意识到covid是致命的——个人责任——我不能洗手、接种疫苗等.
  • KW? 我可以问一下F2吗.08? COB no one received them back and none have been signed – please discuss this with me outside of 教师参议院 as this effects one organization and not faculty as a whole


通过会议记录 - 2021年5月批准动议:詹姆斯·斯雷登2nd:史蒂芬·马力克——同意


罗伯特议事规则:  在团队中共享和可用




学术问题委员会-梅丽莎·莱利 -尚未会面,但将于2021年9月15日会面年-研究课程评估以及如何更新措辞-可能会通过团队会面


学院事务委员会-王素静 -尚未会面,但将于2021年9月15日会面 – will look for nominations for Piper Award – will be a notice in Campus Announcement – will send out more detailed info to all senate committees and will ask to disseminate to all members of each person’s department – will be on Competition Space – Deadline Oct. 15份申请截止-教务长办公室将收到我们的记录,并发送一名教员进行考虑


预算和薪酬委员会——加里克·哈登 -尚未会面,但将于2021年9月15日会面


事件——多萝西·西克 这个委员会没有在夏天召开会议,但实际上会召开一个新的委员会,由Ashwini Kucknoor担任联席主席,因为Dorothy将在1月份退休


研究和创造性活动——约翰·戈萨奇 -没有在夏季举行会议-但将于9月15日举行会议, 2021年-将对委员会成员进行投票,以决定面对面vs .面对面. 虚拟会议-将为教师发展假期准备竞争空间(富戴劳)


教师评价——卡门·多林 – new committee that will assist with some of faculty issues committee – will be meeting likely via Teams but will poll group – already have some requests from faculty – KW: maybe everyone should add F2.解析:选C


学生的成功——帕特Heintzelman ——今年夏天没见过面——两周后见——邀请本科生指导部的负责人加入


教师手册-马特·霍奇 – welcome new members to the committee – didn’t meet as a full committee over Summer – but some updates were provided as Matt met with administration re: some comments on the draft – it appears many didn’t realize there was space for review – workload is a big issue and has some progress but needs more attention, 需要标准化-在Matt看来虚拟会议是可以的-问B. 尼科尔斯将加入



  • 詹妮弗希望所有委员会主席都能审查指控
  • Brenda has talked about having an ad hoc committee for non-tenure track member to discuss policies and procedures for raises and promotions – if you are interested in being a member, 让警官知道
  • 预算和薪酬委员会将着手进行公平研究-愿提出动议,成立一个特设委员会(J. Slayden)和seconded (周) - Vivek同意, much effort in it – people involved in past equity studies should be on this committee as well – Lin: it would require President to create; 周: Point of Information – 周: Roberts Rules would allow governing body to create groups; Harden: Point of Order – doesn’t think we need a separate committee as this is under Budget and Compensation’s purview but welcomes James Slayden – Slayden: it will overtake all your work – it’s so much work – we’d have to pay high-dollar to get someone else – Our bylaws: say that Robert Rules prevail only when there isn’t assigned; President reserves right to ensure there is representation – KW: Point of Information are not allowing a vote? Lin: we can have a vote – Garrick: Point of Information; Melissa – motion to table; Garrick – second that motion – JP: Clarification – initial motion to create? Matt Hoch -根据我们的章程,我们可以投票建议主席成立一个委员会
  • 周:章程准确吗? 我们没有投票权? 我们什么都做不了? 章程可以修改——不能评论它们是好是坏——只是试着遵循我们现有的程序——喜欢与否?
  • 维韦克:我们能不能提议
  • Garrick: Point of information regarding validity of bylaws – didn’t we vote on them and pass – I object to consideration as holding bylaws not in consideration
  • 林——要求对梅丽莎的动议进行投票——被否决了
  • 梅丽莎-撤销动议
  • 马特·霍克——建议修改议案——建议总统成立一个特别委员会
  • JD的问题-清晰度
  • Motion to Matt Hoch – 11 favor; 10 against - ayes take the motion – amendment is adopted
  • 周 - I motion that we have AAUP President be a speaker at 教师参议院 to tell us how properly 教师参议院s work – Slayden seconded - JP is there a cost? 周? 一晚的旅馆和一些汽油? 200美元的马克斯, 周 willing to pay out of pocket; Vivek – we get good knowledge from AAUP; Pat believes he would come – Dorothy would he charge us? I doubt it; Garrick objects to the question as worded – the proper way for faculty senate to be run – offers an amendment for him to share with us for his knowledge on 教师参议院s – 周 willing to amend: remove the word proper 




新业务-谴责动议, Dean French – see email for more information; 周/Vince Nix seconded the motion – and added that the scale should be ordinal – Garrick: point of information – is it under the faculty senate purview – just a motion of disapproval (Slayden); Garrick – ARC (vivek and Garrick met with Brenda today re: reviews of Dean) – is the censure premature to those reviews




维韦克- ARC的形成是另一个问题-而不是一个特定的院长,如果他们违反了手册的具体实例




Matt – Question: no performance evals for the last two years and never have been signed off – faculty have not received them; double-whammy with quotas and lack of evals


Vivek - f208不应该是一个评分系统,也不应该是——它应该是教员发展


Garrick – with info presented – Jim and Kelly have strong case – University Curriculum Committee having issues to get College of Business to submit – think we should table until next faculty senate so we have time to review – motion to table, 加里克和多萝西










JP尼尔森——普罗克托里奥的合同到期了吗? 教职工对此有意见? Melissa将联系Poonam Kumar了解更多信息


帕特H. -詹妮弗被任命为特别委员会主席-要求阿什利传播电子邮件


Garrick - can Pat报告Covid委员会

Pat - Felt对COVID - 16的建议不屑一顾——担心仪表板是否正确——我们如何确定它是否正确

Bert Wagner - Jeremy Alltop: Lin,请他给我们讲讲COVID

