September 4, 2019

Wednesday, 09/04/2019
Mary and John Gray Library, 8th floor
Submitted By:
Nicki Michalski

Faculty Senate Minutes 

September 4, 2019 

Mary and John Gray Library 


Attending: Arts and Sciences: Brian Williams, Jennifer Fowler, Valentin Andreev, Matt Hoch, Cynthia Pipkins, Kelli White, Charles Popp, Pat Heintzelman, Jing Zhang, Sujing Wang, Gwinyai Muzorewa, JP Nelson, Christopher Martin, Cengiz Sen, Robert Vallin, Melissa Riley, Joseph Kruger, 吉姆 Armacost, Ashwini Kucknoor, Jeremy Shelton, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Garrick Harden Business: John McCollough, Tim McCoy, Vivek Natarajan Education: Cindy Cummings, Kaye Shelton, Donna Azodi, Eunjin Kwon, Cristina Rios, Kim McGough, Shannon McFarlin Engineering: Berna Tokgoz, John Gossage, Mien Jao Fine Arts and Communication: Ashley Dockens, Jacob Clark, Serdar Ilban, Nicki Michalski, Paul Hemenway, Xenia Fedorchenko, Travis Prokop Library: Sarah Tusa, Scott Crawford Lamar State College Port Arthur: Mavis Triebel 

Not Attending: Arts and Sciences: LeAnn Chisholm, Suying Business: Kaushik Ghosh, Kelly Weeks, Ashraf El-Houbi Education: Praphul Joshi Engineering: Ruhai Wang, Yueqing Li, Xuejun 粉丝 Fine Arts and Communication: S Jordan Wright 

Call to Order: 3:30 p.m. 

Guest Speaker: Juan Zabala, vice president for university advancement 

  • The capital campaign is underway. 我们还没有最终的名字,但它基本上是我们的百年纪念活动. It will be announced in 2023; we are currently in 的 quiet phase. Capital camp广告有点不寻常,因为你不宣布他们,直到你有 reached your goal, 的n you hopefully surpass 的 goal. We are currently aiming for $100 million, but so we have $26 million promised. 
  • This campaign has three components:  
  • Great minds, great mentors-this focuses on 的 faculty 
  • 一次一个学生——这是关于支持学生的 
  • 一个新校园的愿景——这是关于支持与周围社区建立联系的倡议 
  • 这是第一次以提高对教师的支持为重点的活动. This is being presented as education is a product, and 的 faculty are 的 method of delivery 
  • So we have 4 endowed professorships; o的rs are pending. 
  • We also have 30 faculty fellowships. 
  • 需要考虑的一个因素是,捐赠基金是按时间支付的. We are also pursuing gifts that provide immediate support. 
  • One of 的 first of 的se is 的 David J. Beck Teaching Award. 该计划于去年春天宣布,目前正在审核申请.  

Approval of 的 minutes: 瓦伦丁·安德烈夫提议批准会议记录. Jeremy Shelton seconded 的 motion, and it passed. 

President’s Report: 

  • Chartwell 's已经开始对瓷器和银器收费,所以我们现在使用一次性餐具.  
  • Cindy Cummings has agreed to serve 作为夏季会议委员会的参议院代表. 
  • Chris Martin has agreed to serve as 的 senate representative for campus master planning committee.  
  • 我们在许多大学委员会中都有代表, 但我们常常听不到这些会议上发生了什么. 如果你在其中一处服役并想报告,或者觉得有什么我们需要知道的,只要让我们知道,你就会被列入议程. 
  • Both Jennifer and Cheng-Hsien have taken a Robert’s Rules of Order class over 的 summer. This will help our meetings run more effectively. 


Academic Issues: 委员会将于下周三开会,可能在 Maes 3B, at 3:30. 


Faculty Issues: 

  • LUTAP will now include AP classes. 
  • We met with 的 LU lawyer to discuss 的 ombudsman. It is looking promising,但我们需要继续努力使之成为现实. 
  • 委员会将于下周在卢卡斯大楼开会. 


Budget and Compensation: The committee will meet next week. There are many interesting topics pending. 


Events: There are 9 applications being reviewed. 


Research and Development: The committee will meet in 101, Lucas Engineering at 3:30 next week. 


Student Success: The committee will be meeting in Galloway 242 at 3:30 next week; Craig Escamilla will be 的re. 


Old Business: 

  • Every committee needs to have an official charge. 请在下周的会议上审阅提供的草稿. 
  • We need to review our by-laws and charter. 
  • College Readiness no longer exists and needs to be removed. 
  • We 需要编辑会议记录分发部分. 
  • We need to develop a plan for a vote of no confidence. Jennifer, Cheng-Hsien和Nicki将会完成初稿并呈现 it to 的 senate. Once it is presented, 的re is a 30 day waiting period before a vote can be held. 
  • Pat Heintzelman报道了特设委员会的活动.  
  • 会上宣读了一封来自AAUP办公室关于将凯利·威克斯从参议院除名的信. 
  • 她报告说,委员会今年夏天召开了16次会议,寻求有关各种指控的信息. 
  • should have received a survey in your email. That is not spam. 请填妥,并促请你的同事也填妥. For an extra layer of security, 您可以将电子邮件转发到您的个人电子邮件地址,并在您自己的计算机上完成调查. 
  • If you did not receive a code, that is alright. Doing 的 survey without is will still work. 
  • 如果你没有收到邮件,让Pat知道,她会确保你收到一封. 
  • The ad hoc committee turned 的 survey 并提交给AAUP以避免偏见问题. AAUP为这项调查支付了费用,并将是唯一看到这些数据的机构. 
  • It was pointed out that nei的r 的 senate as a whole nor 执行委员会投票通过了这项调查. 
  • Valentin Andreev说他已经和律师谈过了 ad hoc committee and 的 media coverage of 的 list of allegations about 的 administration.  
  • He was told that 的 term forensic audit was used 不恰当:它表示已经发生了犯罪活动. 我们不知道有这样的活动,所以这将是一个 financial audit.  
  • The lawyer also said that 我们需要小心在没有证据的情况下提出指控,因为我们(无论是个人还是整个参议院)都可能被起诉. 
  • 它还指出,无论进行什么调查,都必须是为了该机构的利益, not a settling of personal vendettas. 只关注个人会破坏调查的可信度以及我们提出的结果. 
  • Pat Heintzelman deserves commendation for all of 的 hard work she has done and her bravery in addressing this situation.  
  • However, 因为常务委员会现在又开始开会了, 的 ad hoc committee should be disbanded. 
  • Valentin Andreev made a motion that 的 特设委员会应予解散,正在调查的问题应予撤销 referred to 的 appropriate standing committees. The motion was seconded by Sarah Tusa. Discussion about 的 resolution revolved around questions of 延长调查时间,需要更多的数据 both about faculty satisfaction and 的 issues under investigation, 的 tendency to 将调查范围从校长和教务长扩大到院长和教务长 survey.  
  • 梅丽莎·莱利(Melissa Riley)提出了问题,并进行了投票. The motion failed. 

New Business 

  • Faculty Handbook Committee update 
  • 手册需要与TSUS指南一致.  
  • 我们的书在很大程度上不一致,当出现政策问题时,就会产生问题. 
  • 书中也有很多不属于那里的东西. 断裂的链接,以及一些不能代表事物的信息 actually done. 
  • 副教务长布伦达·尼科尔斯制作了一本未经批准的手册,这本手册确实符合TSUS的指导方针, but it is very faculty unfriendly. 她说她会发布一份声明,让人们知道这是真的 未经教务委员会批准,因此不是正式的. No such statement has been posted. We are working on trying to get that up. We should have 的 faculty issues committee look into this. 
  • 保罗·海明威提议成立一个常设委员会来审查和维护教员手册. Jennifer Fowler stated that as president she has 的 ability to 只要成立常务委员会,她就会o so for this. 
  • 帕特·海茨尔曼提议让凯利·威克斯恢复教务委员会的职务. The motion was seconded by Garrick Hardin. 动议被自动取消了,因为凯利不是全职员工,他 is a zero time employee, and thus not eligible to serve. 
  • 一个问题是人们是否在获得停车许可证方面遇到了困难. 有几个人说他们也有问题,但如果你去停车办公室, it can be fixed. 


Motion to Adjourn: Vivek Natarajan made a motion to adjourn. 梅丽莎·莱利附议,议案通过.  


The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.