



8th 约翰和玛丽·格雷图书馆一楼


参加: 艺术与科学: 布莱恩·威廉姆斯, 詹妮弗·福勒, 汤姆苗圃, 灰吕变硬, 斯泰西骑士, LeAnn Chisholm, 帕特Heintzelman, 京张, 苏净王, Gwinyai左肋瓦领导, 摩根大通纳尔逊, 克里斯托弗•马丁, 她魏, 伊森, 罗伯特Vallin, Valentin安德列夫, 泰德Mahavier, 约瑟夫•克鲁格, 玛莎溜冰者, Cheng-Hsien林 业务: Kelly Weeks, Karyn Neuhauser, Vivek Natarajan 教育: 唐娜Azodi, 多萝西Sisk, 约翰尼·奥康纳, 香农·威廉姆斯, 金正日McGough, 克里斯蒂娜·里奥斯, 以色列Msengi 工程: Berna Tokgoz, John gosage,范学军, 美术与传播学: 阿什利·多肯斯,雅各布·克拉克,尼基·迈克尔斯基,保罗·海明威,切丽·阿科斯塔 库: 迈克尔·萨尔,斯科特·克劳福德 大学准备: 梅丽莎·莱利 拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港: 画眉鸟类Triebel


没有参加: 艺术与科学: Sanaz Alasti, Kami Makki, Gretchen Johnson, Ashwini Kucknoor 业务: 考希克·戈恩,普兰南杜·曼达尔,蒂姆·麦考伊 教育: 康妮·鲁伊斯,凯伊·谢尔顿,珍妮丝·基蒙斯, 工程: 格列布·切斯拉夫斯基,詹姆斯·库里,米恩·饶 美术与传播学: Nandu Radhakirshnan, Amber Marchut, Sherry Freyermuth



嘉宾: 克雷格·埃斯卡米拉,学生保留和成功主管,招生管理

  • 卡特里娜·布伦特负责我们的入学、留校、奖学金和注册服务.
  • 我们一直在重组,留住人才,取得成功.
  • 我们正在与Valentin安德列夫合作解决这些问题.
  • Kayla Holloway是我们本科指导中心的主任.
  • 瑞秋·胡佛(Rachel Hoover)是STARS的主管,她在那里面临着扩展服务的问题.
  • Grace Drnach is overseeing data collection and helping keep students from falling between the cracks.
  • 我们花了很多时间来解决内部问题.
  • Kayla is meeting with department chairs to discuss their needs and what they feel are the issues with the UAC. 许多问题发生在部门层面. UAC应该是部门的延伸,而不是相反.
  • We are trying to assess who our students actually are, to separate the myth from reality. 这将有助于我们更有效地进行干预.
  • 我们正试图将进度报告精简为每学期一份报告. Getting good return rates is vital to student success since this is our first line of intervention. 我们的费率提高了,所以谢谢你把这个消息告诉同事.
  • We are reviewing the first time in college population and working on tracking them and building plans for success as well as contacting them if necessary to offer assistance and guidance.
  • 我们正在制定一个跟踪核心课程出勤率的计划.
  • 我们正在重组红衣主教社区项目.
  • We have a coordinator to work with at-risk students; we are working on an individual admissions contract which should help.
  • We will be installing academic success coaches to serve as the on-the-ground contact in each college.
  • We were recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board for improvement in retention.
  • 我们学生满意度调查的结果很好. 我们了解到,35-40%的学生每周工作20小时以上. 大约10-15%的人每周工作40小时以上.
  • 我们需要向学生澄清,为了在四年内毕业, 他们每学期需要上15个小时的课. We have a culture of about 12 hours per semester and aren’t serving students well by letting them think they can graduate on time by doing that.
  • Students report that they like the new Setzer Center, but they are not happy with parking on campus.
  • 在回答一位教员的问题时, Escamilla states that we can reopen progress reports if a faculty member requests we do so. 我们还将考虑建立一个三周的窗口期,而不是两周.


主讲嘉宾Judi Mann和Terry Mena代表LU Strong

  • 卢斯特朗有一个飓风哈维援助计划/基金. 我们收到了1个.500万美元来自教育部和卡塔尔.
    • Students can receive financial assistance if they or their family were affected by Harvey.
    • They can qualify if they were not a student during Harvey but the hurricane impacted their ability to attend LU or they are a current student who was harmed by the hurricane.
    • 我们有两年的时间来发放这笔钱,所以人们需要申请. 去 拉马尔.edu \ lustrong 应用.
    • 我们目前正在与学生开会讨论和设立奖项.
    • 我们会把表格的副本发给全体教员.
    • Students can receive help if they were students but had to drop out due to Harvey and need assistance to return.
    • 请让您的学生完成已发出的调查. It is a requirement for documenting the need of our students, and need is tied to the funding.
      • About ten percent of students in the fall survey said they were “between places” for living; they are homeless.
      • An additional ten percent said “other” regarding their housing without any additional explanation.
    • The amount of the award will vary depending on which grant the student qualifies for: it is 2500 from the DOE and 5000 from Qatar. 学生有资格回来拿更多的钱.
    • 我们也为学生整理了一份资源清单.
    • 即将毕业的学生仍然有资格.


会议记录的批准: 汤姆·索尔斯提议批准会议记录. Vivek Natarajan对该动议表示支持,该动议获得通过.



  • 拉马尔正在与LIT就准备不足的学生进行协调. There is a plan in the works to refer them to LIT with a promised admission to LU when they finish over there.
  • 迎新会有小组辅导.
  • There is discussion of meta-majors; this will affect curriculum as it is developed.
  • 上次会议后发出了关于合作的信息.
  • 新的贝克教学研究员计划将不接受自我提名. 奖金将是25000美元.
  • Marquart has not yet released the results of the Dean’s review for the deans of education and fine arts and communication. 他说,准备材料的工作已经“接近尾声”.
  • We have a plan to call admitted students and ask if they actually plan on attending. 希望这将增加实际与会者的数量.
  • The 60x30 plan is going to offer resources to students who are very close to graduation but dropped out to encourage them to finish. 这是完成目标的一部分. There are also goals about increasing identifiable marketable skills and decreasing student debt load in Texas. The overarching goal is that by 2030 at least 60 percent of Texans between 25 and 34 will have a certificate or degree.
  • 提名参议员的呼吁正在发出过程中.
  • 詹妮弗·福勒 will meet with Joe Nordgren to discuss the open committee slots and establishing a committee on committees.
  • 莎拉·图萨同意主持员工感谢日午宴.




学术问题: SACSCOC自习的教务部分已经提交.



  • 我们有一份申诉政策草案.
    • 已经寄给律师了. 三周过去了,他还没有回复任何评论.
  • 我们希望参议院对教师使用电子作品集有意见.
  • 目前的卢-塔政策不允许参加AP课程. 我们希望开放政策,将他们包括在内. Joe Nordgren表示,他支持这一改变.



  • 我们正在努力解决终身教职旅行经费的问题. 对于初级教员的旅行经费,人们仍然感到担忧. Provost Marquart has said he will provide $5000 in $500 increments if a faculty member is presenting at the conference as a way to bolster funding.
  • 看来今年的研究加强补助金不会出现了. 政府声称他们将被转移到夏天. 这是我们需要掌握的情况.
  • 关于教员加薪的可能性,反应非常缓慢.



  • 道达尔已同意提供五年的资金支持该讲座.
  • 布伦达·尼科尔斯负责监督此次活动. 委员会正在等待她的同意来安排一个日期.



  • 委员会正致力于改进申请制度.
  • We have begun trying to discover the state of funding for the faculty development leaves.



  • 教师希望有标准的例子发送的备忘录.
  • 我们正在起草主席和院长备忘录的措辞.
  • 我们希望下周能把信息发给全体教员.



  • We are working on financial aid issues; the people over there seem better than in the past. 他们想要改善服务. There are financial aid vouchers available for book purchases if a student’s financial aid has not yet come in. We suggest that meetings be held in the colleges to discuss the needs and developments in financial aid.
  • 元主要问题正在审查中. 他们已经开始研究这将如何影响留校、财政援助等问题.


旧的业务: 没有一个



  • 多萝西Sisk invited senators to attend the opening presentations for the education conference in Landes Auditorium. The speakers will be a doctor who does surgeries in poor countries and a priest who served in Rawanda.
  • The question is asked if the administration still does a fall orientation for new chairs and administrators. They need to be provided information and training about the faculty handbook and shared governance. 主席们不知道手册上写了什么,这对教职员工来说很危险. 这个问题提交给教员问题委员会.
  • Kelly Weeks presented a motion proposing a forensic audit of the university and a vote of no-confidence in President Evans and Provost Marquart. 这项动议得到了瓦伦丁·安德烈夫的支持. 讨论开始了.
    • 凯利·威克斯(Kelly Weeks)提供了一份引发该动议的担忧清单.
    • It is stated that these are serious charges and the Senate should investigate before taking a no-confidence vote.
    • 灰吕变硬 made a friendly motion to amend the previous motion so that it calls for an audit first, 等待审计的结果, 随后是不信任投票. 修正案被接受了.
    • It is stated that as an advisory body, a no-confidence vote is our most powerful statement. 在采取这种立场之前,我们应该先了解形势.
    • 有人问我们如何支付法医审计的费用.
    • 汤姆苗圃 made a motion to “establish an ad-hoc committee to investigate the charges. 没有答复或调查结果为否定的, we will open the call for a vote of no-confidence against the President and Provost and ask the Board of Regents to perform a forensic audit. 调查的最后期限为6个月(包括夏季).多萝西·西克支持这项动议. 汤姆·索尔斯要求投票并结束讨论.
      • 21票赞成修正后的动议
      • 4票反对经修正的动议
      • 3投了弃权票
    • 如果你有兴趣在特别委员会任职, 在会议结束时通知福勒校长.
  • 在这次会议之后,我们需要召开党团会议来组成我们的提名委员会.


休会:汤姆·索尔斯提议休会. 这项动议得到了瓦伦丁·安德烈耶夫的附议并获得通过. 下午4点57分休会.m.