在线艾德.D. 程序

完成你的Ed的课程作业. D. 只用了六个学期!

这个加速博士课程是完全在线交付的, and is designed to fit into the busy schedules of full-time educators and working professionals. 除了计划好的学习计划, you will complete a residency requirement of 18 consecutive semester hours in three consecutive semesters in order to graduate. 学生通常在第一年的学习中达到这一要求. 

We believe that increasing the access and effectiveness of education is the key to developing a sustainable world with just societies that value knowledge, 促进和平, 崇尚多样性,捍卫人权. 该计划是建立在承诺的核心价值观, 卓越, 完整性, 尊重, 服务与质量.



The 全球领导地位 concentration is purposefully designed with a unique and distinctive focus: to equip education leaders to be innovative change agents in local, 国家和国际环境-无论其地理环境如何. We acknowledge that our world is increasingly interconnected and that our responsibility and influence as educators extends to all regions and peoples of the world. 研究生s of this program are prepared to work as transformational leaders at the highest levels of education.


The 教育技术创新 concentration will give you opportunities to design, implement and assess technology-based projects connected to technology and curriculum standards.


十大电子游艺网站排行是 卡内基教育博士项目


十大电子游艺网站排行被选为其中之一 BestColleges.com2019年最佳在线教育领导博士课程



EDUD 6306:全球领导力动态(3小时)
这门课程是关于全球领导者重要性的研究. 教育系统的变化将是课程主题和讨论的焦点. An emphasis on the educational leader as scholar-practitioner will guide the examination of change theory. 

EDUD 6314:学术研究写作I(3小时)
This course is designed to provide guidelines and techniques for academic and scholarly writing. 课程主题包括:学术写作组织, 结构, 语气, 清晰, 以及学术文献的使用. 

Review of research and research methods related to informed decision making related to schooling problems/issues. 重点是将问题概念化, 选择, and application of research literature and critical judgment of the quality of research studies. 

EDUD 6317:学术研究写作II(3小时)
The purpose of this course is to build and refine scholarly writing through the use of archival research, 文档化的资源和图书馆数据库. This course is also designed to provide an overview of the literature review as it pertains to the research process and assist students in beginning to create a knowledge base about scholarly writing. 

EDUD 6302:全球教育伦理与价值观(3小时)
This course focuses on the ethical practices of global educational leadership and on the ethics of equity and social justice. 具体的哲学方法和伦理理论将被讨论.

EDUD 6356:定量研究方法(3小时)
This course serves as one of three research courses in the doctoral program’s research series. 整个学期, 本课程建立在学生对定量研究的理解之上, 其理论, 和方法. 

EDUD 6305:全球领导力问题(3小时)
这门课程是关于全球领导者重要性的研究. 教育变革将是课程主题和讨论的焦点. An emphasis on the educational leader as a scholar-practitioner will guide the examination of change theory. 

EDUD 6312:全球通讯(3小时)
This course facilitates 卓越 in leadership by exploring current knowledge and research related to communication that builds positive relationships and community in a global society. 讨论的问题包括, 但不限于, 社会经济, 种族, 读写能力, 性别, 年龄和其他需要勇敢沟通的问题. 

EDUD 6320:远程教育基础(3学时)
A foundational study of teaching and learning at a distance for both k-12 and higher education. 主题包括:远程教育的历史, 管理模型, 政策发展, 教师和学生的支持, 以及目前的研究和未来的趋势.

EDUD 6301:成人学习理论与实践(3小时)
在研讨会上,你将阅读和讨论成人学习理论, as well as how these theories might be implemented in best practices with adult learners. 因为博士课程的性质, special emphasis will be placed upon these theories in educational leadership settings.

EDUD 6313:研讨会:当代问题(3小时)
审查当前趋势, emerging issues and research-based practices in education organized around broad themes to complement doctoral course requirements. 当主题变化时可以重复学分吗

EDUD 6357:定性研究方法(3小时)
This course serves as one of three research courses in the doctoral program’s research series. 整个学期, 本课程建立在你对定性研究的理解之上, 其理论与方法. 作为博士级的研究课程, the material covered will be intended to prepare you for successful completion of a qualitative doctoral dissertation. 

edd 6335:策略规划与教育研究(3小时)
This course serves a guide for writing and implementing a strategic plan for your organization. Assessments and lectures lead to gaining an understanding into why a plan is needed for long-term planning in the fields of both k-12 and higher education. 

EDUD 6330:项目评估基础(3小时)
This course serves to provide you with the research and evaluation skills required to implement various program evaluation models. 进一步, the course provides you with the opportunity for systematic study of methods of gathering information for decision making with 尊重 to development, 程序的修改和验收.

EDUD 6353:合成(3小时)
学生能力评估包括作品集, 综合论文及综合论文口头报告. 成功完成后,学生可以申请候选人资格.

EDUD 6325:高等教育管理领导力(3小时)
This course is an overview of the purposes of higher education; the environment of higher education institutional issues in higher education; specifically governance and infra结构, 以及对高等教育外部运行功能的影响, 包括开发, 认证和问责制以及社会和政治挑战.

EDUD 6307:全球教育领导与政策(3小时)
The theory and practice of policy making and the political influences brought to bear on policy issues in education. Understanding the legal basis for 教育政策 is important in a changing world. 有效的领导者应该能够分析, 综合和应用社会科学的研究和理论, 教育政策, 政治, 决策文献与法律. 


EDUD 6361:学位论文I(3小时)
EDUD 6362:学位论文II(3小时)
EDUD 6363:学位论文三(3小时)
EDUD 6364:学位论文四(3小时)