M.S. PA Degree Options

We will review your application to the M.S. PA program on the basis of the required profile material. 下面列出的要求代表了您必须满足的最低标准,才能考虑进入该计划. 达到最低入学要求并不能保证你被录取.

  • Traditional M.S. PA

    In order to be accepted in the Traditional M.S. PA, you must meet the general requirements for admission with the following exceptions:

    A Traditional M.S. PA包括19学时的必修课和15学时的选修课,总共34学时. 如果你没有国内认可大学的会计本科学位, 你将需要多达18小时的会计先决条件(或水平)课程和15小时的商业水平课程, dependent upon undergraduate curriculum.

    如果你拥有国内认可大学的会计本科学位, you must have earned a minimum 3.所有本科会计课程的累积绩点为0,最低总绩点为3.0 to be admitted to the Traditional M.S. PA program. 您将获得研究生管理入学考试(GMAT)的豁免,并被M录取.S. PA program.

    如果你没有国内认可大学的会计本科学位,并希望直接进入M.S. PA program, you must take the GMAT. 我们在录取你的时候会考虑你的本科GPA和GMAT成绩.S. PA. You must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在被录取之前和之后的所有本科会计课程中都有0分.


    The pre-M.S. PA计划允许国内学生参加会计先决课程和商业水平课程,以及最多6个研究生学分的选修课程,作为学士学位后的学生.

    In order to qualify for pre-M.S. PA admission, 学生必须拥有学士学位,并符合大学入学的一般要求. If a student maintains a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA in accounting leveling courses and an overall 3.0 cumulative GPA, the student may apply for admission into the M.S. PA program and the GMAT will be waived. 学士学位后的学生不允许在没有M事先同意的情况下参加商业课程的研究生学分.S. PA Director.

  • Dual M.S. PA / MBA

    The dual M.S. PA/工商管理硕士(MBA)项目授予这两个学位, typically after 52 hours of coursework.

    Requirements for admission to the dual M.S. PA/MBA program: 
    1. Complete an application for the M.S. PA Program, including completion of the GMAT, if required.
    2. Schedule a meeting with the MBA office to add the MBA as a dual major. 
    3. 满足申请MBA课程和MSA课程的先决条件.
    4. 满足每个专业的毕业要求,包括最低平均成绩和时限政策. 
    5. 特别注意申请每个项目的截止日期,并相应地安排GMAT考试.

    Remember that:

    获得MBA学位的要求和项目的政策(时间表调整), time limit for degree completion, etc.) are contained in the MBA Student Handbook.

    GPAs in both programs are computed separately. 只要你符合每个课程的最低继续标准,你就可以作为双学位课程的学生注册. In the rare case that you are dismissed or withdraw from one program, 你可以继续并完成其他项目,只要你达到了该项目的最低标准. However, 在剩下的课程中,你需要满足常规录取学生的所有要求.

    In order to begin the certification process within each degree program, 你必须将你的毕业意向通知每个专业,并分别申请毕业, according to each program's deadlines and policies.

    Dual M.S. PA/MBA学位计划适用于那些已经获得MSA的学生,至少有6小时的MBA选修课程(34小时)+额外的18小时MBA核心课程(必须参加MGMT 5380)总计52小时

    If interested in the dual MSA/MBA, call the M.S. PA office at (409) 880-8610 to discuss specifics.

    View Required Courses

  • Integrated BBA / M.S. PA

    For current Lamar University business students

    现行法律规定,参加德克萨斯州统一注册会计师考试需要150个大学学分.为了帮助你满足这一要求,研究生院提供BBA/M双注册.S. PA. 这使学生能够及时完成实习,并为初次就业和职业成功提供更多机会.

    In addition to the exceptions to the graduate bulletin outlined above, those seeking an integrated BBA/M.S. PA may apply and be admitted to the M.S. PA prior to completing a bachelor degree. You must:

    • 完成至少75小时(必须完成12小时的高级会计课程,包括ACCT 3320)
    • Have a 3.所有会计课程的最低累积绩点为0,最低累积绩点为3.0

    The M.S. 在完成本科学位之前,不会授予硕士学位. 在满足本科学位和硕士学位的要求时,没有课程会被重复计算.S. PA degree.

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  • Dual M.S. PA / M.S. MIS

    The dual M.S. PA/Master of Science in Management Information Systems (M.S. MIS)项目通常在52小时的课程学习后授予这两个学位.

    Requirements for admission to the M.S. PA/M.S. MIS dual-degree program:

    1. Complete separate applications for the M.S. PA and M.S. MIS programs, including completion of the GMAT, if required.
    2. 分别满足申请两个专业的先决条件.
    3. Meet the graduation requirements of each program individually, including minimum grade point average and time limit policies.
    4. 特别注意申请每个项目的截止日期,并相应地安排GMAT考试.

    Remember that:

    The requirements for earning the M.S. MIS degree and the policies of the program (schedule adjustment, time limit for degree completion, etc.) are contained in the M.S. MIS Student Handbook.

    GPAs in both programs are computed separately. 只要你达到每个学校继续学习的最低标准,你就可以成为双学位课程的学生. In the rare case that you are dismissed or withdraw from one program, 你可以继续并完成其他项目,只要你达到了该项目的最低标准. However, 在剩下的课程中,你需要满足常规录取学生的所有要求.

    In order to begin the certification process within each degree program, 你必须将你的毕业意向通知每个专业,并分别申请毕业, according to each program's deadlines and policies.

    Dual degree plan for those students already earning an M.S. PA with at least 12 hours of electives from the M.S. MIS包括ACCT 5390数据分析(34小时)+额外的18小时M.S. MIS Courses (15 hours of M.S. MIS core courses and three hours of M.S. MIS elective courses). Total: 52 Hours

    If interested in the dual M.S. PA/M.S. MIS, call the M.S. PA office at (409) 880-8610 to discuss specifics.

  • Graduate Certificate


    You must meet the general university requirements for admission. In addition, 本课程仅适用于在国内认可的大学完成会计本科学位的学生或目前在十大电子游艺网站排行注册的会计本科学生.

    如果您成功完成GCPA,每门证书课程的最低字母成绩为“C”,并保持累积GPA为3.0 in the five certificate courses, you may be admitted to the M.S. PA program and apply your certificate courses toward an M.S. PA.

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