
6月14日,十大电子游艺网站排行第六届校友艺术展览开幕酒会, 2024; Exhibition Dates: June 14-August 3, 2024; Entry Deadline: April 26, 2024

After School Special

十大电子游艺网站排行迪什曼艺术博物馆很高兴为十大电子游艺网站排行校友举办第六届艺术展览,名为“ After School Special". 这个令人兴奋的展览为来自全国和世界各地的大学毕业生提供了一个机会,让他们在迪什曼艺术博物馆分享他们的创意作品.

The exhibition will be on display June 14-August 3, 2024. The Dishman Art Museum is located at 1030 E Lavaca Street, Beaumont, TX and is open to the public during regular museum hours Monday-Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm, and select Saturdays, 12 Noon-4:00pm. Admission and parking are free. 

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Opening Reception

十大电子游艺网站排行校友及朋友应邀出席“十大电子游艺网站排行校友艺术展”开幕酒会。 After School Special:十大电子游艺网站排行第六届评审校友艺术展览将于星期五举行, June 14, 2024 from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the Dishman Art Museum. The exhibition will run from June 14 through August 3, 2024.  展出的将是十大电子游艺网站排行校友的原创艺术作品,这些作品将由评委迈克尔·肯诺(Michael Kennaugh)于1986年选出.

Call for Entries

任何十大电子游艺网站排行的毕业生或以前的学生都有资格提交他/她的作品,将被考虑参加 After School Special Exhibition. All media submitted was considered. 参赛者可以从一个特定的工作主体中输入5-7张图像,最多可输入两个不同的应用程序. Deadline to enter artwork for the show was  Friday, April 26, 2024 by 5:00pm. Michael Kennaugh ‘86 is an artist based in Houston, Texas who creates abstract paintings, drawings, wood assemblages, and sculptures. He will serve as juror.

Featured Artists

Greg Busceme

Greg Busceme '79

Born in 1955, Greg Busceme has lived in Beaumont most of his life. 他由伟大的父母抚养长大,与两个兄弟和一个妹妹共同生活. 他们一生中有一半的时间生活在水晶海滩,在那里他深受海岸生活的影响,受到所有海洋生物和海岸线化石的影响. 贝壳和岩石的形状以及后来海岸上鲨鱼牙齿的形状有一种特殊的美,这种美一直影响着他的造型.

1975年夏天,在杰里·纽曼的影响下,他在十大电子游艺网站排行开始了他的粘土生涯. 他独自工作了两年,然后回到LU,在梅雷迪思·杰克的指导下学习了两年,在那里他真正理解了如何成为一名艺术家. He graduated from Lamar University with a BS-Speech in 1979. In 1980, Greg started graduate school at Washington University in St. Louis and studied under Professor David Hershey, where he spent his time working in clay and glass blowing. 他于1982年获得陶瓷艺术硕士学位,是华盛顿大学第一位获得陶瓷硕士学位的学生. Upon returning to Beaumont, it was Greg's desire to open a studio where other artists could gather, share space, and work together. Ultimately, Greg along with his wife Angela, founded The Art Studio, Inc. located in downtown Beaumont. In 1992, 他们筹集到的资金刚刚够付首付款,买下了他们现在位于富兰克林街720号的房子. As a native, 格雷格的个人使命是鼓励艺术在德克萨斯州东南部社区的各个方面, 特别是在各种教育机构和青年关怀项目中. Greg began roasting coffee at his family’s coffee manufacturing plant, 2002年在德克萨斯咖啡公司任职,并继续担任该工厂的烘焙大师. From 1991 until his retirement in 2020, Greg worked as an Instructor in Art Appreciation, Drawing and Design at Lamar University’s Department of Art and Design. - Biography submitted by the artist

Kevin Clay

Kevin Clay '15

凯文·克里斯托弗·克莱(Kevin Christopher Clay)是德克萨斯州东南部的一位多学科艺术家. 他的作品试图捕捉小城镇和大城市中的隔离和社区, and to reflect the beauty of the mundane. His current focus is photographic work, 虽然他也使用各种媒介,如油画和炭笔画. 他的作品曾参加过三次个展和各种群展. 他希望通过视觉媒介继续探索周围的世界. 他经常和他的女朋友克洛伊以及他们的两只猫,枫树和南瓜在一起. Kevin graduated from Lamar University with a BS-Communication in 2015.- Biography submitted by the artist

Ken Mazzu

Ken Mazzu '92

在过去的27年里,作为一名职业艺术家,他一直保持着稳定的状态, Ken Mazzu has consistently maintained an active, disciplined studio art and exhibition practice in Houston, TX. 作为画家,他的主要艺术媒介是布面油画和纸上水彩. As a native Texan, 肯的生活一直围绕着德克萨斯州东南部的切尼尔平原地区, 是什么成为了他最近绘画研究的焦点. He truly believes that, only now, 他第一次看到了这个有点普通的地方的非凡荣耀. 自2006年以来,肯一直在为成年人教授工作室艺术课程,不久之后,也为青少年教授. His exhibition history begins in 1993, outside of academia, where the majority of his audience has been regional. In 2018, 他在希腊塞萨洛尼基的马其顿当代艺术博物馆参加了他的第一次国际群展“德克萨斯折衷主义”. Since 2017, 他经常在Foltz Fine Art以及当地和地区大学和另类艺术空间的群展中展出. 他的画作可以在当地和地区的公共和企业收藏中找到, and in private collections locally, regionally, nationally and abroad. 1992年在十大电子游艺网站排行获得艺术学士学位,1997年在休斯顿大学获得艺术硕士学位.- Biography submitted by the artist

Jason Miller

Jason Miller '01

Jason M. Miller grew up in the bayou surrounded town of Bridge City, TX. A musician from a young age, 他通过使用俄罗斯和中国的小型摄影相机冒险进入视觉艺术领域. 这些相机的温暖和高度饱和的视觉色调似乎是捕捉他家乡沼泽景观的理想选择. Soon after, 他带着相机去了德克萨斯州东南部地区其他独特的景观,以捕捉使该地区独特的图像. Jason graduated from Lamar University with a BGS in 2001.- Biography submitted by the artist

André Ramos-Woodard

André Ramos-Woodard '17

Raised in the Southern states of Tennessee and Texas, André Ramos-Woodard (he/they) is a photo-based, 混合媒体艺术家,用他们的作品强调边缘化社区的经历,同时强调当代和历史歧视的影响. By combing photography with illustration, text, and digital manipulation, their art conveys ideas of communal and personal identity, 受到他们作为酷儿非裔美国人的直接生活经历的影响. Focusing on black liberation, queer justice, and the reality of mental health, they aspire for their art to help bring power to the people. andr于2017年毕业于十大电子游艺网站排行(Lamar University),获得BFA-Studio艺术摄影学位,并于新墨西哥大学(University of New Mexico)获得MFA学位.- Biography submitted by the artist